Almost a year and a half ago, E and I came up with a list of 8 Transformers that she really liked and wanted. Since she liked space shuttles and already has Sky Lynx, Galaxy Shuttle was on her list.
Amongst other TFs I was searching for, I also began to search for Galaxy Shuttle - little did I know how rare this guy is. I spent months and months searching. The first time I came across it was on eBay where a British seller wanted to sell me Galaxy Shuttle MISB for £1,500! He must be insane, I thought. So the search continues. Every time I see one on eBay, the asking prices are ridiculous.
I turned to forums and found that there were a number that was previously on sale on TFW2005. Just my luck that when I got into the act, all of these had been sold at around US$250-350 a pop loose and no more were forthcoming.
This was already 8 months down the track and I was fast losing hope. I asked for help on forums, I tried to request that members who owns multiple pieces sell me one and I tried knocking on any door I could think of. Still, no.
In late July 2010, I managed to buy a MIB Galaxy Shuttle from a Japanese seller. The toy itself was no in fantastic condition, but the box, foam and paperworks were immaculate. I got it for a really good price too. Needless to say, I was over the moon and gave C-326: Galaxy Shuttle to E.
C-326: Galaxy Shuttle
Box = C9+ (light flap crease)
Toy = C8.5 (after restoration)
Paperworks = complete, including used sticker sheet
Looking at this transformation and his form in robot mode with the flipped wings at the back, Galaxy Shuttle is very reminiscent of a seeker jet.

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