I did these shots, maybe a week or two back, but other than sharing with a few friends on What'sApp, didn't manage to post about them here.
The complete Japanese boxed Targetmasters!
The idea in this series of photographs is to showcase the run of Japanese Takara boxed Headmasters and Targetmasters. As of this writing, I just realised that I have
missed out including a number of Headmasters when I was photographing this lot - C-114: Fortress Maximus, C-301: Go-Shooter, C-302: Hosehead, C-303: Minelba, C-311: Grand Maximus, D-93: Mega Zarak, D-99: Apeface and D-100: Snapdragon, D-301: Wilder (Fangry), D-302: Bullhorn (Horri-Bull), D-303: Cancer (Squeezeplay), D-311: Black Zarak.
Ok, so I've missed quite a number. Oh well, better luck next time - I have included links to these pieces on my blog at the end of this post.