I picked up Hasbro's IDW Generations Wave 3: Skids today.
This is the story...
Today, I sold off my TFC Uranos set. Yeah, I know, its all the rage for some, but for me the TFC stuff just does not do it. The design for Uranos was better than their previous combiner, Hercules, but the materials and the construction just leaves too much to be desired. After awhile, I could not tolerate this piece in my collection anymore and sold it on Yahoo HK.
I met the buyer at the toy shop area to pass him his loot, collect my money and then just proceeded to walk around the toy shops. I know that MMC's Feral Rex parts and also FansProject's not-Brianstorm were still not released yet, so I really was not expecting to find anything.
I walked into one of the trustiest and best shops at In's Point,
Action Robo, and saw that they had the next Hasbro Generations wave in stock - Skids was part of the assortment, Skids!!
Wave 3 consists of Goldfire (who cares), Dreadwing (who?), Waspinator (yucks) and Skids (woo hoo!). Well, you can tell I really couldn't care less about the other 3 toys in this wave - I only wanted Skids.
So it was done, shop owner was kind, I got my Skids!
Here is Skids with his other incarnations - Skids USA box, Encore Skids, VSZ Skids (the only way one could get Skids in Japan back in the 80s), USA Skids (loose) and Generations Skids.
A close up of his Generation One incarnation with his most recent iteration. Generations Skids is based very much on Alex Milne's rendition of the character in the popular IDW series by James Roberts, More Than Meets the Eye. Skids just happens to be one of my favourite characters in MTMTE and I am so glad that Hasbro decided to make a toy of him.
Next thing I'm going to do is open Skids and play!
~ HD