I have not posted anything since November last year.
I thank all those who were concerned and who emailed me either personally or through the site to find out what I was up to, what was happening (and whether I've died!).
Yes, lots was happening.
In a nutshell, there were these, at least:
- work had become extremely busy - someone, or something, turned on the tap and never switched it off!
- renovations for our new place
- preparations for moving into our new place - there were some 60 cartons of Transformers / toys alone, not to mention other household items
- the actual moving into our new place
- unpacking and arranging items in our new place - it's not easy to arrange and display that many Transformers...
- this site had to be 'saved' - more on that below
- E and I went on a long-time-coming vacation to South America for a month in December
On the second last bullet point - Webshots, which hosts all the photos on this site, was sold to some company who decided that photo hosting was no longer going to be its core business. What it meant was that if I didn't host my photos somewhere else, then all the photos on this site will become dead links when Webshots 'closed down' and becomes this different animal that the new owners wished it to be.
I have 1 month to save all 6500+ photos, re-upload them and place them back into their original positions across more than 700 blog-entries. Bear in mind that the things in all the above bullet points were going on at-the-same-time! I was stretched to my breaking point and worked till at least 3am every night to save and re-upload photos or to pack for the move (and then longer to unpack after the move).
With the site, I am very fortunate that E and a number of close friends stood shoulder to shoulder with me and helped me battle through to save this site. You know who you are, but I'd like to thank you here once again -
- E;
- VF-1 and his lovely wife V - you guys did so much in so short a time, even with the birth of your second daughter happening at the same time;
- my classmates S and H, as somewhat of a team for the 2011 posts; and
- my other classmate 'Justice' Q.
There is no doubt that this site and the resource it represents to many collectors would not exist today if not your efforts. A very heartfelt THANK YOU E, VF-1, V, S, H and Justice.
Looking at the above, my close to 3 month absence is not really that long, I'd have thought. heh.
There must be a section of people who have been wondering why I have not been replying to their emails over the past 3 months. I hereby apologise and promise that I will be getting around to your emails over the next 1-2 weeks.
~ HD