04 May 2012

Job lot of Transformers - Defensor, Reflector, Sludge, power dashers and...

This is item #5 that I flagged in 'The calm before the storm' post. Again, I'm not posting them in any chronological order of receipt, and I just felt like posting about this one today. Heh.

This set was a partial sale/trade with a buddy collector from Canada. I am very happy to receive this figures are part 'payment' toward a figure that I was selling him. Whilst I have all these figures, with the exception of the 2 Power Dashers, I am still extremely happy with them.

The Reflector robots are in very good condition and a definite improvement over my own Hasbro set (I have have the pre-Transformers set that is more or less unused, but the molding is different). Defensor complete is great, because he is my favourite combiner toy, so this extra set will be displayed as individual robots. Sludge, yum, an upgrade to my current Sludge too and will be displayed in dino mode (ie: 1 set of dinobots in robot mode and another set in dino mode). The power dashers, I never had and these are in fantastic condition, very immaculate and minty. Then, there is one more figure which is under the Defensor accessories packet, but I'm not going to reveal what that is, yet.....

Close up photo of this very minty set of Reflector robots...

Close up of Drill Dasher and Car Dasher. I suspect that these are actually the pre-Transformers diaclone versions because (1) Drill Dasher actually has a 'sharper' drill cone than the one pictured in the Dlin/ Tietjens book; (2) Car Dasher has dark blue parts where the one pictured in the Dlin/ Tietjens book has black parts; and (3) there are no Autobot insignias on either of them (unlikely to have fallen off since all the other stickers are in close to C9 condition).

A very minty Sludge to enter my Dinobots collection where the intent is to be able to display each of the Dinobots in robot mode and dinosaur mode simultaneously.


  1. Defensor is my favorite G1 combiner as well! Can't wait to get the new Kabaya version!

    1. I just really like the proportions of the Defensor toy, its really the most proportionate combiner and therefore nice in my opinion.

      Kabaya kit is out - http://cavecollection.blogspot.com/2012/05/kabaya-transformers-wave-6-gaia.html


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