02 May 2012

Prowl MIB unused (pre-rub version, Series 1, assortment 1)

This is part of item #3 in my Calm before the Storm post on 23 April 2012.

Very much like my recent D-60: Condor (aka Laserbeak) acquisition, this one is very much to get back that slice of childhood.

While I'm fuzzy about which Transformer was my first (I think it's Wheeljack), I'm almost 100% certain that Prowl was my brother's first Transformer. In the weeks following when we received our first Transformers, Prowl made up 50% of my brother's and my 'entire' Transformers collection. It goes without saying that our childhood Prowl and Wheeljack were in very well played with condition.

So, here he is - pre rub Prowl (ie: from the very 1st assortment of 1984 and one of the very first Transformers that graced the toy shelves).

Another shot of the stunning box.

Close up of the toy.

Love these top of box transformation sequences. As kids, my brother and I studied them intently especially when applying the stickers.

'Proof' that this is a pre-rub box - it says "TM" instead of "R", which all later releases of Transformers says.

Back of box, no flap crease!

Out of box with contents still sealed in baggie.

Close up of Prowl

Further 'proof' of its pre rub status - the words in the police shield says "Diaclone"!

Prowl MIB pictured with Bluestreak, both of which I bought from an awesome TFW seller.


  1. Oh my, condition is really drool worthy, Congrats! :)

    1. Thanks dude. I really like this, but E liked it so much, it's now hers! =)

  2. that's awesome! I would love to find a Prowl near that condition. He was one of my favorites for sure.

    1. Prowl is one of my favourites too. There is just something about this mold that is very attractive. I especially like the box art... stared at it for hours and hours when I was young...

  3. Oh wow, that box is immaculate. It is too bad it's opened, you could probably score a 90 from AFA, but I know that's not how you roll :) Beautiful addition!

    1. heh... AFA is certainly not the way I roll, at the moment. If I were to get AFA pieces, I think the only 2 I would get are Bluestreak and Rumble/ Ravage set.

  4. How on earth did this box remain in such great condition all these years! Wow.

  5. Gorgeous! I can't believe the condition of that box! It almost makes me think it's a reproduction box. But I'm just paranoid that way. I've always loved the Datsun brothers. Great find!

    1. This is certainly not a reproduction box by virtue of where and who I bought it from. However, if it were from eBay, I'd be wary and probably won't have even bought it.

      Datsun "brothers" are well featured in the episode "Roll for it" and come to think of it, so were the Countach brothers!

  6. Oooh did this come from Colin? And HELLO! I am now officially following the Heroic Destron Godfather D-90210 Brandinho ;)

    1. From Eddie actually!

      Honoured that Mighty Maz is following here! =)


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