05 May 2013

Must've been away from eBay too long, because these prices are shocking

2 days ago, I was on eBay looking at some HoC figures to prop up my ever-growing SCF army (more on that in later posts), and I happened across a number of auction lots for G1 Black Zarak parts.

'Ah', I thought, 'perhaps it's time to finally complete my second Black Zarak'. You see, aside from my pristine MIB Black Zarak, I also have another loose Black Zarak to display and to 'play' with (eek! really? GPS!).

The seller of this loose Black Zarak, a guy named newausbot78 (a horrid irresponsible seller) claimed that the Black Zarak was complete. However, when it arrived, it was missing the silver lift parts. He said he would send the parts, but never did and just never contacted anyone again. I'm not the only victim, several other OZ Former forum members fell prey too.

So, long story short, I needed a silver lift to complete the second Black Zarak.

Enter this batch of Black Zarak parts auctions and lo and behold, there was the exact thing I needed. It was slated to end during lunch time today, and up to 30 seconds before the auction ended, the price was US$6.50, yup, six-dollars-and-fifty-cents. 

So I put in my bid, at $45 (sounded exorbitant to me).

When the auction ended, bam! 

Price ended at $90. Nine-zero-dollars. For a mere Black Zarak lift. I was staring at the screen in disbelief.

Now take a look.

I then went to check out the other auctions that I watched, but did not bid on. 

Black Zarak shield - $293!

Black Zarak spear - $350!!

I mean, I get that this is a really important part that makes Black Zarak what he is, but really?!? $350 for the spear?

In the early 2001 / 2002, the price of the shield and the spear alone could pay for a MISB Black Zarak, and there'd still be change for lunch. My Black Zarak (missing the lift), but otherwise complete and C9 minty costs less than the price of the shield and the spear, seriously. And that was just 1 year ago that I bought it.

These prices... it's just shocking. I wonder if the buyer(s) will really pay.


  1. Hi, been reading your blog for a while and you were kind enough to reply one of my prior emails to you.

    Anyway, I was looking at the auctions as well and I seriously cannot imagine anyone paying those prices.

    1. hi Dew, thanks for dropping by. I really try to reply to all emails sent to me via this site, but sometimes some will fall through the cracks. I do apologise if you have sent me more than 1 email and I only replied to one - it is my fault entirely!

      The prices are nuts, its madness to even comprehend such prices.

    2. Oops, I meant I sent one mail to you and you replied to it. haha.


  2. While I'm not looking for anything nearly as high end as you are, I've certainly noticed a lack of auctions lately. For what I'm looking for, everything is "Buy It Now" which really discourages deals. It's killing me.

    1. I hear you man, the constant BINs are really annoying, especially when the same thing has been around for months and months and its clearly not selling at that price, but the seller continues to insist listing it at that (silly) price.

    2. ergh, that's something i've been seeing a lot. then again my guess is that the sellers' believe the prices would hold. Then again they could wait for the next TF movie for the next spike in prices

    3. I think you are right. They could list it for a couple of years at that price, sooner or later, the market will catch up. haha

  3. i am rather surprised that demand for BZ would be that insane considering the many problems the toy comes with. its quite scary :(

    1. well, to be fair, the only real issues are with the gold parts. The rest of the guy is pretty solid. But to pay $350 for the spear and $293 for the shield is just shocking - that's $643 spent and one still does not have the other 101 parts yet (BZ just has so many parts).

    2. now i dare not even think of getting Scorponok then =\

    3. Scorponok would not be so expensive. Probably 1/2 or 1/3 of BZ's price. But don't quote me on that, given the crazy prices today...

    4. heh, think i should just stick to combiners, already difficult on their own

    5. yup, as long as there's an aim =)

  4. eBay seems to operate on extremes these days. Stuff that commands absurdly high prices, such as you've demonstrated here, and stuff that NO ONE will buy, almost regardless of how low the price is.

    1. i think you are right about that. I see things that are floating around for months and months and months with no interest at all. Maybe its become like a fad nowadays, the "in" things sell...

  5. Yeah, it's pretty bad nowadays on ebay for certain things while other rare items set at high prices still won't move. I stopped trying to understand the market years ago. Never makes any sense,

    1. I think you are right. I'm going to stop trying to understand the market, if that what you can call it. 'Circus' is perhaps a more apt description.

  6. Yeah that is out of hand!I guess if collectors want something bad enough, it will continue to rise (as far as prices), also to get that costly means more than one person is willing to pay these type of prices (or close to), my guess is someone/collectors looking for certain parts, like yourself but will almost pay any cost to not miss out on completing their BZ or people who have broken parts and would pay almost anything to not have a busted ass Black Zarak that they paid thousands for in the first place...
    As far as Buy it nows, my advice to collectors is to make offers through messages anyways, I have got many great deals just by asking- a lot of people will fold on prices for sure.
    This is an expensive hobby I have enjoyed for over 2 years (besides collecting 15 or more years ago{uggh so old}) and if you can't afford it, I guess the only answer is simply don't buy it! Everyone would love so many things that are rare or expensive but I think that is the problem, sellers know a lot of collectors will have to pay to complete certain lines complete certain bots etc, a shame really but also part of what makes this hobby interesting- the hunt for better bargains and the wait to find those pieces/TF's etc at a good deal- Some people would never call what we collect (prices) a good deal, but these are for us to love and people who don't understand will probably never do so.
    I just wish I started collecting again in the good ol' days haha!!
    Just a few of my thoughts, nobody has to agree.
    Take care my man and I really hope you find that part at a decent price, oh...and what a dick of a seller >:(

    1. completely understand the part about collectors wanting something bad enough. What's scary is that that many collectors want something *that* badly - to pay a price that is (in my mind) disproportionate.

      Unlike the high roller bidders, I will not pay 'almost anything' just for a part. I do have a number of incomplete figures and frankly, am not very bothered (most of the time). When it bugs me, I will try look for it, but if too expensive, I'll just let it drop off my radar again.

      Agree with you re BINs and making offers direct. I've quite a number of positive outcomes using that approach.

      True that this is an expensive hobby. In fact, its now probably more expensive than it has ever been! And you are right, many lay-men would consider vintage prices quite mad.

      Oh, I should tell you that the seller said Ironfist, which I bought in the same lot as BZ, was complete as well - but it came missing the 'gun' (ie: a huge chunk of stuff was missing).

  7. Yeah, that's what I am sayin, just wait it out and bid what one thinks is decently fair and hope for the best!
    You know there is always another one of almost anything out there and I have found too many times, almost uncannily, that I look for something for months -buy it- then see another for cheaper and/or in better condition almost directly after.
    I think another problem is a lot of us collectors are completists- be it for parts, lines, series etc. so often we are clouded in judgment at that last few seconds of an auction and almost or literally regretfully so.
    Great heads up on that guy, it's one thing to not realize through inexperience if a TF/purchase is incomplete but to not even respond... Man, that can turn a fun thing into a real piss off!!
    Later my man!! Glad to see more articles for us who really enjoy your posts. Thanks

    1. What you said in your second para, happens to me all the time too. Same goes for when I sell something on auction. Mine may sell for $X and then a few days later the exact same thing sells for $X + 20%.

      Auctions are evil. Many are the times I've over bidded beyond what I initially set for myself. Fortunately, 99% of those times, I lost anyway! Case in point is the shield - throughout lunch I was telling my wife that I won't pay more than $35. Then when it came time to bid, I put in $45 and she was like 'hey, that's more than you said you will pay!'; and I answered, 'just to be safe'. Well, I still lost anyway, so no diff.

      That guy will never show up again. He just joined the Australian forums to sell his stuff and then never came back. For a guy with such high value stuff as him, it's surprising that he sounded like he knew very little about TFs... these were things on his selling list (from memory) - BZ, Overlord, Star Convoy, lots of Euro exclusives, Metalhawk, Darkwings, Liokaiser, Victory Saber, Deathsaurus, etc.


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