07 May 2013

Acquisitions - FansProject not Wildrider, BT-20: Argent Meister and Dr Wu Seeker cannons

It's been awhile since I have listed acquisitions here. To be honest, the acquiring never stopped, just that I've been slack and listed some but not others.

This neat little lot, I bought last Saturday. Nothing very controversial or difficult to get, 4 pieces of third party products and BT-20.

Here we have from left to right:

- FansProject Causality CA-10: T-Bone MISB. Name makes no sense to me. How is the name even reminiscent of Wildrider?

- Dr Wu upgrade parts for the Classics / Henkei Seekers - Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp. These look like they would fit nice and appears better than the large silly monstrosities that passes as cannons originally part of the seeker toys.

- BT-20: Argent Meister MIB. Why am I now trying to finish up my BT collection? I blame Maz and his poetic words and beautiful photographs. See what I mean: "BINALTECH BT-01 TO BT-04" and "BINALTECH BT-05 TO BT-08"

Close up of the Dr Wu upgrade parts - very nice art on the backing cards.

This, giant, is not for me (mine is in the background). This is for a buddy who is soon coming to visit!

BT-20 gratuitous photo #1

BT-20 pretentious photo #2


  1. "T-bone" is another way to describe a side collision. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_collision

    Also, is Giant as awesome as he seems?

    1. Ah, thanks! I didn't know that.

      Giant is awesome. Really. Awesome. Complex, intricate design, high quality construction and materials, an overall solid figure.

      A few collector friends came over to play with it and their unanimous comment is - "it's worth every cent you paid for it".

  2. I don't blame you for blaming Maz. He is a suave man with a blog, who can convince even the manliest of collectors to either complete a set or buy a piece they would otherwise overlook... Just with even the briefest of comments made in either his blog or articles. And case in point, with me, I am still contemplating the idea of getting (if possible by the time I get paid) "Masterpiece" Tigertrack... Even after I bought "Masterpiece" Alert. :)

    And glad you have decided to finish up your Binaltech collection. :) I simplified mine for the sake of my project - "Operation: 30 Strong" (30 years of Transformers, 30 characters that define me as a collector). And as we speak, there will be Takara Tomy-made Autobot/Cybertron Commanders... Just no Supreme Commanders, besides the variants of all the Japan-exclusive versions. And... Oh! And I'll be hoping to hear you say that your Binaltech collection is complete. So get that done and do not let Captain Aizen convince you to give up. ;)

    1. Maz is actually a Binaltech in disguise. Once in awhile, he turns into a human. He is very convincing... damnit... now I need to get Binaltechs... argh. Okay, maybe I will go after work today and hunt some down.

      I love the idea and concept of Operation 30 Strong! Nice. But isn't the 30th anniversay next year? Or is that your goal for next year.

      I can't believe it only felt like yesterday when I saw the "20th Anniversary" boxes on TFs.... soon, it's going to be 30th! WOW.

  3. The name Causality is really apt. FP's love towards sharp edged designs continues and your fingers will likely be a Causality (all puns intended) when you are fiddling with the figure.

    1. haha, good one.
      Do you think FP designs are more complex than they need to be? Complexity for complexity's sake?

    2. I think FP's designs are getting long in the tooth. One just has to compare Warbot Defender vs the new Generations Springer. Any monkey can make things complicated, in fact arguably that's what monkeys are apt to do. It takes a truly intelligent mind however to make a design that balances simplicity, playability, the right level of transformation, etc.

      I am still buying FP's stuffs, but nowadays I try to reduce the cost as much as possible, which unfortunately happens by overcharging other people, but that's life.

    3. This, made me laugh "Any monkey can make things complicated, in fact arguably that's what monkeys are apt to do".

      Totally agree with your next observation as well - it takes true talent to make what is complex, simple. I'm getting less and less impressed with the undue complexity of FPs stay - it's just no fun to play anymore.

      I'm still buying their stuff, but i think the result is that I will just leave it in 1 mode and never transform them unless I have 45 mins to an hour to spare. Kind of defeats the whole point of it being a "transformer" tho...

  4. Sometimes I wish the FP designs were a little smother, a little more consistent with the Classics/Henkei/Universe/Generations/United aesthetic, but I can't say I ever remember thinking that some piece of engineering was self-indulgently complex; it always seems to work in support of a cool idea (like the "invisible mode" of their G3 trailer).

    1. I think the FP engineering is great. But I guess, what I'm asking is whether it could have been simpler - eg: Car Crash is kind of complex for a toy that size. Compared with the TFC not-Fireflight, which is simple, looks nice and just works.

      It's hard for these things to be fun when I have to spend 5 mins as opposed to 1 min transforming a figure. "Stunticons, transform!" *waits 30 mins* "Stunticons, fight!"

  5. Nice pickups! I completely forgot about BT-20! I remember wanting to get him just for the paint job, but then not getting him for some reason. Thanks for adding to my want list.

    I agree about Maz's influence. As soon as I read one of his articles, I start searching for whatever it is he's written about. That man is good. And dangerous.

    1. Ok, so we all agree that Maz is evil? And dangerous? So he's like a drug... gets people addicted....

  6. OK, good. I'm glad I'm not the only person that is easily swayed by Maz's writing and photography. After reading those articles I've been sort of searching for a BT blue Tracks to complement my yellow version...

    Can't wait to see some shots of the seekers w/ their new swag!

    1. well, I got Maz on What's App too... even more swayed...

      The good thing about BTs though, is that they are not that hard to find or expensive (except for BT-17 and BT-18).

      There will be shots of seekers soon...


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