04 May 2013

Collection streamlining - Phase 1 complete

Unknown to many, I'm streamlining my collection and have been for the past 1.5 months.

I've sold off quite a number of pieces - these included toys from the following lines: Classics, Generations, United, Henkei, TF Movie, BotCon, Robot Heroes, Robot Masters, third party TFs and etc.

Whilst its no secret, I suspect that the majority of readers here will not have heard or seen the sales because I've had them all listed on Yahoo Hong Kong, and with Mandarin descriptions no less (thanks to E for drafting).

Selling on Yahoo HK is pretty cool because I never have to post out anything. When a person wins an auction, we will just arrange for a day and time to meet up in person and transact. The most common meeting points are the train stations that are near toy shops or near my office. Its convenient to meet up and transact and then wander off for toy shopping before heading home in the evenings. It's great fun I gotta admit.

Phase 1 is complete because today, I met up with the final person and passed him the last of the toys from this batch.

Did a quick calculation and see that this batch has netted a revenue of HKD$6657 or US$858. Really not bad considering the nature and type of the pieces that I've sold.

The ones that ended at surprisingly high prices (to me), were:
  • Generations Drfit loose, complete with instructions - HKD$189 (US$24.30)
  • Classics Galvatron loose, complete with instructions - HKD$180 (US$23.20)
  • United UN-01 Convoy MOSC - HKD$625 (US$80.55)
  • Robot Masters RM-17: Victory Saber giftset MIB - $547 (US$70.50)
Phase 2 will begin soon and will include pieces from Brave DX, Masterpiece (MP), SCFs, SCF chase figures and (a limited) number of G1 figures (including mail away figures).

~ HD


  1. So I guess you're narrowing your focus? I thought you might be after reading your interview at TFSource. Good for you! After reading your article, I decided to narrow mine as well.

    1. You're right! And I'm also getting rid of any repetition. Thanks for the kind words about the TF Source interview. How has your collection been? I see you've got Slapsdown, its an awesome figure and the weapons are just kick ass....

    2. It's growing! I've got a buffer going that should let me keep doing one post a week for a bit, which is nice. I also have a few more headed to me.

    3. oh very nice. Look forward to more posts from you!
      Did you get the Fort Max reissue?

    4. Yeah, arrived Friday. I haven't had a chance to look for QC issues or compare him to my original. Still, I really wanted the sword. I'm almost too afraid to check him out, if that makes any sense.

    5. it's a reissue, be *brave*, check it out. it's nice.

  2. I don't suppose you would be parting with a certain shark-like japanese mail-away, hmmmm? ;)

  3. Been doing the same on my end here. Cutting out the extra fat and just limiting it to the things I really care about. So on the fence selling some really nice things like liokaiser giftset at times. Focused on getting rid of the newer stuff like Unicron trilogy and botcon stuff. See how I feel after that.-Hotspot17

    1. yeah, i know what you mean. Sometimes I wake up thinking I should sell Battle Gaia and Guard City or some other rare silly stuff. Then, I'll be like, 'maybe I should keep one'. And then, say to myself 'since I'm keeping one, perhaps I need to keep the other one!'. And then, back to square one.

      The newer stuff, I don't really care a lot. In fact, I've purged my collection of much of the newer stuff.

  4. Welcome to the club, HD! I have been doing it with my non-Transformers collection. So far, I went overboard and reduced it down to Disney, Ghibli, Vocaloid, Kadokawa, and Haruhi Suzumiya products. Oh, and my signed Puffy AmiYumi 2007 tour autograph board. :) And no, you cannot have the plush Jiji I had purchased at the Ghibli Museum last year. ;)

    Oh! And congrats on the interview! I also felt a sense of irony when they gave us your interview, but have not given my my "HD" piece. I guess I have to hope that I can encase mine in carbonite and have it guarded by Gammoreans - I mean hope that I can have it submitted for grading and have both my future children and grandchildren ask about it before my next birthday comes up. :p

    1. hey Kuma!

      Hmm... your reduction does not sound quite like a reduction... you sure you're not using some reverse psychology here? heh.

      I absolutely must have that plush Jiji, after I find out what it is.

      Interview was good. I was supposed to do it last year actually, but Maz patiently waited and waited... poetic that it was piece #12, the piece on the anniversary of when Maz started this series.

      I'm submitting that chrome MLP for grading dude...


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