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19 November 2012
Pick of the Day - Divide and Conquer once more
"Prime is alone, the three or you can take him!"
(or can they?)
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Last 30 days' TOP TEN Popular Posts
1987 Destron dino-cassettes, D-108: Slugfest MIB and D-109: Overkill MIB, unused
It all started back near the end of December 2011, when I posted about the 4 pieces of 1987 Headmasters exclusive W-cassettes (aka ...
Heroic's Osaka Transformers toy shopping guide
Ever asked the question - "Where should I go to shop for G1 Transformers if I am in Osaka, Japan?" Here, I will attemp...
Which Decepticon reformatted into Cyclonus & Scourge?
This is one of a number of contentious, often discussed but never resolved G1 Transformer continuity issues. I’m going to put down what I b...
The Birthday Post
Today is my birthday. Every birthday brings me one year closer to death. Happy Birthday to myself. Heh. As many said, its not the destin...
Project Vanguard - pre-Transformers Diaclone black New Lamborghini Countach LP500S (aka Sideswipe) MIB, unused
This post is done in conjunction with and posted at the same time with Maz's post on . Remember my trip to Osaka / Tokyo ...
Why Wheelie?
A thought popped into my head; a thought related to Wheelie. It’s a given that Trans-fans hate Wheelie with a passion. I can see a few re...
MTMTE is a masterpiece, but what about other IDW Transformers titles?
I just cannot get enough of IDW's MTMTE (More Than Meets the Eye) title. Over the weekend, I pulled Volume 1 of the TPB from my shelf ...
C-114: Fortress Maximus starring in Autobot City: Earth
Since 1986, I've always thought that Metroplex looked nothing like the Autobot City that I saw in the 1986 Transformers: The Movie...
New acquisition - Japanese Transformers D-50: Motormaster and his Stunticons
Not many acquisitions lately (although I did get the MakeToys Green Giant). Walked around the shops yesterday because E was busy and saw...
Autobot Repid-Fire Attack Agent, C-109: Stepper MIB (vintage G1, unused)
With all the SCF excitement on my blog recently, I thought I'd mix it up a little and update with a little G1 items, just to mix it u...