27 February 2010
Pick of the Day - Takara SCFs
Lots of Takara Super Collectible Figures (SCF). I really love these, but yeah, this photo is a mess!

Japanese TFs,
Pick of the Day,
26 February 2010
Detective Comics #27 sells for US$1.07 million!
A high grade copy of Detective Comics #27, featuring the first ever appearance of Batman, sold for US$1.07 million to an undisclosed buyer.
"A rare, high-quality copy of Detective Comics #27, which marked the first appearance of Batman in 1939, sold for $1,075,500 on Thursday. Heritage Auctions of Dallas sold the comic book to an unnamed bidder on behalf of an anonymous collector.
Seven bidders from three countries participated in the combination live and online auction, taking about eight minutes to decide on a final price -- an "eternity" in auction time, said Heritage Auctions president Greg Rohan."
Read the full story on CNN here.
Related articles: Kotobukiya Batman.
A high grade copy of Detective Comics #27, featuring the first ever appearance of Batman, sold for US$1.07 million to an undisclosed buyer.
"A rare, high-quality copy of Detective Comics #27, which marked the first appearance of Batman in 1939, sold for $1,075,500 on Thursday. Heritage Auctions of Dallas sold the comic book to an unnamed bidder on behalf of an anonymous collector.
Seven bidders from three countries participated in the combination live and online auction, taking about eight minutes to decide on a final price -- an "eternity" in auction time, said Heritage Auctions president Greg Rohan."
Read the full story on CNN here.
Related articles: Kotobukiya Batman.
25 February 2010
Pick of the Day - Who is this Transformer?
21 February 2010
Parra Fair - 21 Feb 2010
Thanks to OZ Former members fatbot, Sky Shadow and Kelvinchang99, I had a great haul during today's Parramatta Fair.
Today's Haul:
- C-323 Road Caesar giftset (from kelvinchang99);
- Nightbeat MISB, Dutch box (from Sky Shadow);
- Quake w/ turrent only (from Goktimus Prime);
- Sixshot box C6.5 (from Parra Fair store);
- Catilla complete (from fatbot);
- Chainclaw complete (from fatbot);
- Snarler complete (from fatbot);
- Pretender Jazz complete (from fatbot);
- Pretender Grimlock complete (from fatbot);
- Pretender Bumblebee complete (from fatbot);
- Gunrunner complete (from fatbot);
- Roadgrabber complete (from fatbot);
- Windsweeper complete (from fatbot); and
- Crankcase complete (from fatbot).
Generation One,
Toy Hunt Trips,
19 February 2010
Site update
I have recently updated "Mini Gallery Two" with many hundreds of pictures and sorted them by year. Includes the very pristine pieces I obtained from the 1987 and 1988 years.
The quality of the photos are still a little inconsistent, but its something I intend to fix when I get my collection all in the one same country.
Drop by Mini Gallery Two and enjoy!
~ HD
16 February 2010
1986 Mini-bots cardbacks MOC
1986 Transformers,
Generation One,
1985 Mini-bots cardbacks MOC
1985 Transformers,
Generation One,
1984 Mini-bots cardbacks MOC
1984 Transformers,
Generation One,
08 February 2010
Liokaiser versus Raiden!
Generation One,
Japanese TFs,
07 February 2010
MIB Journal - C131: Raiden (ライデン; 雷電) giftset
Perhaps one of the rarest and most desirable G1 combiners right along side D355: Liokaiser, is Raiden (ライデン; 雷電) - the combined form of 6 Trainbots from the Headmasters series in Japan.
One major reason for its rarity is because it was never released in the US or Europe in any form. The Trainbots were released in a very limited form in Singapore back in 1987 through Japanese retail chains like Isetan and Daimaru (and by that token, probably released in some parts of Asia as well).
As I recall, there were actually a lot less Raidens than Liokaisers back in the day. I only came across Raiden once in Isetan and there was only a set or two. But for months and months, I've seen stacks and stacks of D355: Liokaiser giftsets. I was hardly interested in Liokaiser at the time. He was pretty boring compared to Predaking. So when it came time for mum to buy us something, my brother and I opted for all the Japanese boxed Predacons instead of the Liokaiser giftset (which I must say was actually slightly cheaper than the Japanese boxed Predacons).
I recently obtained a C131: Raiden giftset from my trip in Japan. The story of the acquisition is here. I inspected and studied the Trainbots a fair bit when I returned to Sydney. The Trainbots were all Japanese trains that were unique to Japan at the time (ie: during the "diaclone", pre-Transformers, period). Later, Takara released them as part of the Japanese Headmasters series in 1987.
I think, that is the main issue is this - they were Japanese trains, not futuristic trains or Cybertronian trains, but Japanese trains. Marketing people from various countries would perhaps have suspected that kids outside of Japan may have difficulty identifying with the Trainbots on the same level as they will identify with common road vehicles and or futuristic ones. In all likelihood, Liokaiser which is made up of 3 planes, 2 tanks and a buggy would have been considered more interesting and identifiable to kids and therefore more marketable than 6 trains which look more or less similar (I mean, a train is a train, its a rectagular shaped object without much variation).
Maybe that is why Raiden was not imported, at least in large quantities, into the other Asian countries that had access to "Japanese exclusive" Transformers. Hence its rarity.
Another reason that Raiden is so sought after and complete sets so expensive is because of the number of accessories that make up Raiden. Each train not only came with its own little gun and green connector clip, but also another couple of accessories that are necessary for combination into Raiden. Aside from D318: King Poseidon, where each Seacon came with a number of mostly generic accessories, I think Raiden is the combiner with the most number of accessories in G1.
Here are many photos of my Raiden giftset, definitely one of the jewels of my G1 MIB collection.
C-131: Raiden (ライデン; 雷電)
Function: Heavy Series-Linked Gestalt Warrior
Box: C8.5 (close to C9 is not be slightly damaged flap)
Figures: all C9 at least, tight joints, minimal wear
Stickers: C8.5 for Shouki and Kaen; stickers unapplied for Getsuei, Yukikaze, Suiken and Seizan.
Complete paperworks including giftset instructions, bio card, giftset style sticker sheets (4 sheets still unapplied), catalogue and mail-away exclusive catalogue.
C125: Shouki
C126: Getsuei
C127: Yukikaze
C128: Suiken
C129: Seizan
C130: Kaen
C125: Shouki's sticker sheet (used)
C126: Getsuei and C127: Yukikaze's sticker sheets, unused.
C130: Kaen's sticker sheet (used).
1987 Transformers,
Generation One,
Japanese TFs,
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