26 April 2012

ActionMaster Soundwave MOSC

I know, I know, I said I don't collect Actionmasters, for after all, what's the point of a Transformer that does not transform.

Nonetheless, I do have a number of ActionMasters and they are mostly homages to the early year '84 or '85 Transformers. Also, many of them are E's, cos she is fond of them little figures in their simplicity.

Since E's favourite Transformer is Soundwave, I bought this for her, all the way from Italy - ActionMaster Soundwave MOSC. (this is one of 2 things I got from FC from Italy and one of the items from the list here).

What's special about this? Well, it's Soundwave! Also, his partner Wingthing has inspired a homage to it in the form of a orange coloured Ratbat that comes packed with the recent Encore: Soundblaster release.

AM Soundwave in all its sealed glory.

A close up of the figure itself. A pretty accurate homage to Soundwave's cartoon look. Love the Decepticon sign and the slightly pink eyes!

The box art. Unfortunately for most carded AMs, the box art is mostly obstructed.

Back of the card.

Close up of tech specs. Okay, so someone crossed out the UPC code with a marker. I didn't even realise that.


  1. I too used to think what was the point of Action Masters, but they have grown on me over the years. I still don't own them all, but I am starting to search for them every now and then. In fact I just completed my MIB Megatron AM the other day after a number of years searching for the Megatron figure.

    1. hey flywheels, congrats on completing your AM Megatron. Although I don't collect them, I know that AM Prime and Megatron are particularly challenging to complete.

      I certainly don't own them all and perhaps would never intend to, most of my AMs were "unplanned" opportunity purchases. These are the ones I have at the moment (just a handful):

      1. AM Bumblebee, incomplete (came with part of a lot with other TFs);

      2. Treadshot complete (came with part of a lot with other TFs);

      3. Banzai-Tron MOSC (bought other things from same seller on eBay and thought what the heck, for only $15 and its MOSC);

      4. Krok (bought other things from same seller on eBay and thought what the heck, for only $15 and its MOSC);

      5. AM Jazz (bought for E at a collectibles fair when I was getting Flywheels MISB (!) from same seller).

      6. AM Soundwave MOSC.

    2. BTW, AM Jazz MOSC and Flywheels MISB can be seen, here: http://heroicdecepticon.blogspot.com/2010/08/parramatta-fair-22-august-2010.html and here http://heroicdecepticon.blogspot.com/2010/08/duocon-flywheels-misb.html

  2. Nice! I love action masters; E has good taste!

    1. You do? I thought a hard core G1 guy like you would frown on AMs....

    2. Why? They're part of G1, so they are part of my collection. I think once I realized AM's weren't the end-all of the Transformers line I was much more ok with them. I hate that G1 ended on such a sour note for most people, but I find them an interesting novelty.

    3. What do you mean "end all"? As in AMs causing the downfall and cancellation of USA G1?

      Yeah, I think G1 did end on a sour note for many a fan (nice way to put it, I like the expression "sour note", hahahaha)

    4. Just as in AM's weren't the final word or last incarnation of those characters by any stretch of the imagination. It may have seemed bleak at the time, but looking back they aren't nearly as bad as many people make them out to be. They are just...different :)

    5. Just flicked through TF: Generations and you're right! It appears like AMs and MMs were the final word in terms of the USA line in 1990. I agree that there could be merit in them, for example AM Bumblebee which is the most cartoon accurate Bumblebee in G1 (compared with 1984 BB and Pretender BB).

  3. That is one minty-mint sealed AM Soundwave, HD!

    Very much like yourself, unless it transforms it doesn't have a place in my collection either although I make many exceptions for Soundwave and his AM figure is one of them. :D

    I piece-mealed my own to completion, the hardest part to acquire being his little black gun as I was lucky enough to win a complete Wingthing (His wings are often missing in loose examples) for $3.00! - The postage cost more, lol. :P

    Does E intend on eventually opening AM Soundwave or is he to remain in his plastic prison?, also, have you considered the European AM Elite figures? - As they transform albeit rather rudimentarily. ;)

    1. hi Hursti, long time no see *waves*

      Yes, I know you will make extreme exceptions for Soundwave! And why not, he's a cool character with a great voice!

      Congrats too on completing your AM Soundwave. I suspect that retrospectively, there may be some interest in AM Soundwave now because of Encore Soundblaster and Wingthing - people might go search for its G1 roots, which squarely sits with AM Soundwave.

      E does intend to open both her AM Jazz and AM Soundwave, because she does not believe in leaving toys in their plastic prison. We'll just have to wait till the mood strikes her though...

      I know about the Euro AMs and have seen their, erm, 'transformations'. I'm not too impressed and have passed on them several times. Have been offered Windmill MOSC, Doublepunch MOSC a number of times over the years, and for relatively okay prices too (ie: $180-220 thereabouts), but I struggle to sink even that amount of money on things that I just borderline like. =)

  4. i like it how for E you'd look past your collecting principles *heh* Well i guess the Encore release of Soundblaster does quite justify getting AM Soundwave :)

    1. Yes, I think the Encore release does nudge people a little to get Wingthing, heh....

  5. E seems to have good taste in Decepticons, huh? ;)

    But to be honest, there seems to some history with the Action Masters when it comes to the timeline created by Takara Tomy in 2006-2007. So chances are, in the Japanese continuity, he might have chosen to sport the "Cybertron Alliance" insignia if he was an Action Master.

    As for the series, I am pretty much with you on this. They feel like nice little display pieces for those who do not have the space. Myself, I think they'd be great to use with either Metroflex or Fortress Maximus. Or Brave Maximus, as he was later turned into a main part of Scramble City.

    1. Hmmm... what did Takara do with AMs in 2006/7? Far as I know, AMs never did hit Japanese shores back in the late 80s.

      Actually, I much prefer to use the Takara SCF figures for Metroplex, Fort Max and the like, but only because the SCF figures are smaller and thus make the cities look relatively much bigger!

    2. What they did was establish a solid timeline, later separating the Binaltech/Alternity line from the main timeline. This has me wondering if Beast Wars ended up happening in the timeline created for them and not the main G1 timeline. But anyways... Convoy and Megatron both became Power Masters and established that one group, as Megatron lost his need for violence, etc. In turn... This lead to the G-2 Battle Convoy, then Nebulon Conoy... And so on.

      Here is the link: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Generation_1_cartoon_timeline_%28Japan%29

      And you are right, they never hit there - Thankfully. To be honest, I only like this more that the live-action movies and The Rebirth. And with SCF, I used to have a near complete set of the Masterforce set. I ended up selling them to a friend, whose girlfriend was a fan of said series. But with me... I think AMs up close, SCFs in the middle, and one of the Maximus in the back would make a great layered photo shot. As in "The Making of Scramble City." :)

    3. Oh... And I also stand corrected. Takara Tomy only released Action Master Convoy as part of a "New Years" giftset.


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