13 February 2008

The Road to Victory part 03 - The Photos

Previous chapter: The Acquisition

So here they are, photos galore of the best C-328 giftset I've ever come across and possibly the most well preserved one anywhere in the world (or at least I would like to think so).

First off, a size comparison just to get an idea of how really huge the C-328 giftset is.

The Victory Saber giftset is as big as a US boxed Omega Supreme, but about twice as thick as the latter

Comparison with BT-18 and MP-05 (which in itself is already a really large toy)

C-328 Victory Saber giftset front of box with beautiful box art

Top of giftset box

Bottom of giftset box

Back of giftset box.
Sadly, there is no back-of-box art here.

Side of giftset box

Side of giftset box

Opening the giftset
Flap open away from box front unlike most US boxed TFs

C-328 contents and sealed packets of instructions, bio cards and decal sheets

Star Saber & Victory Leo in styrofoam tray

Star Saber close up

Victory Leo close up

Close up of C10 Star Saber blade never removed from styrofoam

Close up of sealed paperworks

And now, gratuitous photos of all the Star Sabers and Victory Leos I own.

Read all The Road to Victory chapters:
Chapter 01- The Victory Battle
Chapter 02- The Acquisition
Chapter 03- The Photos


  1. Aww, you're making me envious!!!
    haha. By the way, do you know that Omega Supreme's supposedly gonna be reissued in the Encore line?

  2. Hmmm... don't be envious. That's never my intention. I was thinking that I needed one set to keep and one set to play is all.

    Yup, I think our dear Defense Base is going to be reissued. I'm really looking forward to that!

  3. I love the Encore line's G1-styled packaging! I'm windering how much the Encore OS will cost though..... By the way, how did you acquire so many TFs in HK? The previous time i went there, most of the shopping malls didnt even have TF!

  4. Definitely. I think the G1 style packaging is the highlight of the Encore line (and probably the main reason I buy them).

    HK has many buildings that are like China Square Central (and the previous Clarke Quay). That's where I get all my toys from. Shopping malls have a very limited selection and even if you do find something you want, its usually more expensive than if you got it from a specialty shop.


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