10 July 2013

OKC - shelves update

Over the weekend, E was at work, and it was so hot outside that I decided to stay within the safety confines of home, and beneath the cool breath of my air-con.

The sunlight and daylight was too strong for me to take photos of toys, so what I did was rearrange the top two levels and bottom most shelves of my display (and also to make space for the many pieces of MIB Japanese G1 that is going to reach me soon).

Here is the result.

What did it look like before? Good question. That can be seen here and here.

For the top 2 shelves on the left, I rearranged for my Autobot MIB items to be there. This is to match the middle part of this shelve which has loose G1 Autobots. 

See on the top shelf are things like the Japanese exclusive Godmaster Engines, Diaclone black Countach, USA boxed Pointblank, 'blue' Optimus Prime (from Maz), Diaclone Swoop (from RM), Ultra Magnus MIB (from Valkyrie_76).

Below that, we have C-121 to C-124 the Dino-cassettes Gurafi, Noizu, Dairu and Zauru (from RM), VSZ giftset (from EH), C-301: Go-Shooter, C-302: Carb (displayed loose below), C-303: Minelba, C-108: Artfire (from RW) and C-109: Stepper (from TF Source).

The next thing I rearranged were the top two shelves on the right. These were Decepticon themed, to match the Decepticon loose display pieces below.

On the top shelve, there was USA Misfire MIB,  USA Slugslinger MIB, D-304: Hydra, D-305: Buster, D-309: Black Shadow, D-310: Blue Bacchus. Here I really wanted to put the 3 Decepticon TMs together, but could not put Triggerhappy there as well without compromising the 'configuration'.

The next shelf down is also a Decepticon shelf. This one has some relatively rarer gems... All the Japanese Stuntrons, including D-50: Motormaster, 21-Reflector and TF-10: Battle Gaia.

The following shelf down are the loose displayed Decepticons. Well, they are not really 'loose', they all have boxes, but I've taken them out for display. Most of the combiners are there, all the seekers with their SCF counterparts, all the Pretenders, key characters like Bludgeon, Thunderwing, and etc.

That's it. 

Until the next rearrangement.... 'ta.


  1. Beautiful collection. So many rare pieces in there.

    1. hiya, thanks for dropping by! And thanks for the kind words =)

  2. I really love the displayed look of the individually packaged Scramble City 'bots.

    1. there is something about them eh? That is why sometimes, I prefer individual bots over giftsets. For the Stunticons, I definitely favour them individually, because the Menasor giftset art is just not nice.

  3. Insane! Those shevles are certanly packed. VSZ that is one of my grails, I think that needs a update dedicated to it. So hard to find any G1 Takaras in decent condition these days or when they appear the prices are just plain stupid. I havn't made any additions to my collection for an age. Your updates keep me motivated or at least provide some hope! lol

    1. Hey Matt! Yes, there are very packed and since the shelves are 60cm deep, there are another 2 layers of stuff behind the ones you see in the front.

      VSZ is very nice and I have already done its photoshoot, so you can be expecting a dedicated post for it in the near future!

      Have you not be adding to your G1? It's hard in Aussie for sure. There is almost no choice but to buy online and the online prices are usually steep.

    2. I've picked up a couple of G1 merchandise items and got a couple of upgrades(better bot/box) also completed the exclusive takara headmasters so havn't been in total hibernation.

      Looking forward to the VSZ write up.

    3. "exclusive Takara Headmasters" sounds interesting.... You mean the six HMs (Shuffler, Lione, Trizoe, Kaku, Rodney and Loafer)?

      Or you completed all of the exclusive (non-US releases) in the Jap HM line yum yum *evil grin*

    4. Yeah the six individual HM's(100% original of course), since they hardly take up any space they dont even feel like new additions.

    5. Six? Very nice. that means you got Shuffler so. So hard to get. Griffin must be jealous.... heh

  4. I like how you do prep-work in anticipation of the "flood" of new items. Looks great as always. It's almost like Tetris isn't it?

    1. it's a lot like tetris! trying to make the boxes fit together, etc.
      this is a 40+ piece flood, i gotta take it seriously! if not i will get hammered by my wife when there are TFs all over the apartment...

  5. This reminds me of the time I had spent on Gorrus 9. We were attacked by coffee beans that transformed into monsters, and had us work on making shelves so their Kup collections would have a story to tell. I mean... I have to confess that I love how you display your stuff. It is very you, and makes me want to have a practical plan for when I stop making changes to how I collect and start focusing on what I am collecting. :)

    Oh, and I am on Mark IV with my collection-based plans. Long story on that.

    1. coffee beans and foamed milk... splash splash, Splashdown, Sky High, Waverider, Groundbreaker, Landmine, Cloudburst!

      Thanks for the kind words man... what happened to your Transformers 30 strong plan?

      What's the story?

    2. Very much welcome. :)

      And Operation: 30 Strong is still in effect. It took me a while to realize this, but I figured out that I lost all direction at one point. So after two botched reboot attempts, I have decided to go from "Maz Effect" to "Raiders of the Lost Arkvander" when it comes to how I should collect. As in the Japan exclusive/variant characters stuff.

      So "phase 1" involve Cybertron/Autobot characters that have a larger Japan exclusive backstory. No "dumping ground" characters or series. Phase 2 will involve Generations. And phase 3 will also include donuts -- I mean I am hoping will include Naoto Tsushima designed ALL SPARK figures.

      Because in the end, I want my collection to look and be fun and have a touch of this added to it: https://twitter.com/naototsushima/status/316720813648801792/photo/1

    3. Wow, that's a nice drawing you linked to.

      Sometimes its hard to shake the mass effect, erm, Maz effect I mean. And its good and all to raid the lost Ark, but it first has to be found.

      Your phased plan sounds good, but then, where is Phase 6? heh.

  6. theres something grand about seeing hydra & buster next to black shadow & blue bacchus, along with battle gaia below it. its like each year/series in the 80's brought about a new destron winged duo/trio. and its nice seeing the japanese box art all together.

    1. hello my Lord! Agree with you its nice to see that arrangement. There's just something about them what with the box being more or less the same size.

      Masterforce is some of the very best box art during the G1 era, quite unmatached actually.

      I actually have a shot of D-304, D-305, D-306 (Darkwings), D-307 (Overlord), D-308 (Browning), D-309 (Black Shadow) and D-310 (Blue Bacchus) altogether. It's quite bizzare.


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