28 July 2013

More acquisitions - Quakewave (aka Shockwave), Terminus Hexatron (aka Sixshot) and Generations Trailcutter (aka Trailbreaker)

The story here is - still very busy. And weekend was good, spent time with E, who didn't have to work this weekend. So in short, not a lot of opportunity to update, but here it is - another update!

As part of my consolidated acquisitions post on 23 July, I updated that I bought FT-03: Quakewave, aka Shockwave. Here are some more pics of this absolutely amazing figure.

CA-12 Downforce and 02 x FT-03: Quakewave, 1 for me and 1 on behalf of a friend.

From what I can tell online, mine is the third wave of Quakewaves - therefore, it comes with lots of extra goodies. The matte coloured fist and laser gun comes free.

Here is Quakewave laid out with all the parts it comes with - the purple parts form another left arm, where the 'hose' is on the underside of the arm. Great that FanToys is giving fans a choice of how and where the want the hose to be.

Yes, it lights up too!

23 July 2013

consolidated acquisitions - G1 Jetfire, Senator Ratbat, MP-12T, Quakewave, CA-12: Last Chance, Martian Manhunter

I have been very busy over the past week and really did not have too much time to post here and update  things. I actually have about 5-6 posts, with photos already prepared and uploaded, but no opportunity to do final edits and to post.

Those will have to wait till after I do this quick "bulk" update of the things I have been picking up.

From left to right:

  • G1 Jetfire, complete and unused (Matsushiro variant) - no doubt, i will write more about this at some point in the future.
  • FansToys FT-03: Quakewave, aka Shockwave
  • Transformers Generations (Japan): Senator Ratbat
  • (top) Tokyo Toy Show exclusive, MP-12T: Tigertrack
  • (bottom) FansProject CA-12: Last Chance, aka Dead End
  • Justice League, New 52: Martian Manhunter - this will join my Justice League figures here.

Except for Jetfire which I bought from eBay (from eBay seller 'The Mint 1980s Toy Store and Museum'), all the above were bought from retail in Hong Kong, even MP-12T.

I have one further thing to add about MP-12T - do yourself a favour and read what Maz has written on the lineage and significance of this piece. It is more than a hollow repaint. After reading what Maz has wrote, I am sure am glad I did not pass this up and potentially have to pay high secondhand market prices.

Maz's brilliantly researched and written article is here - Who is Tigertrack? - Part 1. Be sure to check back for Part 2!

I end with a gratuitous close up shot of Jetfire.


For more Quakewave photos and review, see my 28 July post here.

15 July 2013

Takara, Transformers: Fight! Super Robot Life, D-56: Ramjet MIB (#2 of 36)

So I was saying that I recently bought a huge lot of G1 Japanese Transformers and that Sixbuilder MIB, was the first piece I unveiled.

In no particular order, here is #2 - Fight! Super Robot Life (1985) D-56: Ramjet!

Since young, Ramjet has been one of my favourite jets, alongside Skywarp and Thundercracker. For some reason, Starscream did not appeal to me much (ouch, I think I'm getting stoned by 'screamer fans....).

This Jap version of Ramjet is a stunning specimen.

Here (below) is a shot with the back of box art. It's odd. Ramjet is a 'series 2', aka 1985 figure. However, instead of having the Japanese exclusive 'series 2' back of box art (which features Dinobots and Devastator), this is actually series 3 back of box art - ie: this is what is behind the Transformers: 2010 series boxes (ie: 1986 art).

14 July 2013

Donuts Daily - Part 6 - Fight back to Cybertron!

After a gap of a few days, where the donut bakery became a little quiet, the Donuts Daily is back, with a super fantastic sixth chapter!

Most of the contributions are from Hyperoptic, starting with this one, from the season 2 episode Child's Play.

Then, UndertakerPrime said this "Millions of years ago, on the planet Donutron, life existed. But not life that we know today. Intelligent donuts that could think and feel inhabited the cities. They were called Audonuts and Donuticons. But the glazed Donuticons were driven by a single goal: Total domination. They set out to destroy the chocolate-loving Audonuts. And a war between chocolate and glazed raged across Donutron. Devastating all in its path, draining the planet's once rich sources of sprinkles. The Audonuts, on the verge of spoiling, battled valiantly to survive."

Now, we fight back to Donutron... erm, Cybertron I mean.

All the below are from Hyperoptic, such an extraordinary graphics person!

Donutron itself, the home of the Transformers...

"Operation: Deliciousness"

"I am the Donut of Cybertron. Before Cybertron was, I was!"

11 July 2013

Donuts Daily - Part 5 - more nuts!

So after a few days, the Donuts Daily is back, with more donut fun...

this new series of donut drawings start from this page...

First up is one from the iceman himself, brr-icy, with captions assist from Hyperoptic:

Then from the donut thread originator creator himself, SQ7!

10 July 2013

OKC - shelves update

Over the weekend, E was at work, and it was so hot outside that I decided to stay within the safety confines of home, and beneath the cool breath of my air-con.

The sunlight and daylight was too strong for me to take photos of toys, so what I did was rearrange the top two levels and bottom most shelves of my display (and also to make space for the many pieces of MIB Japanese G1 that is going to reach me soon).

Here is the result.

What did it look like before? Good question. That can be seen here and here.

For the top 2 shelves on the left, I rearranged for my Autobot MIB items to be there. This is to match the middle part of this shelve which has loose G1 Autobots. 

See on the top shelf are things like the Japanese exclusive Godmaster Engines, Diaclone black Countach, USA boxed Pointblank, 'blue' Optimus Prime (from Maz), Diaclone Swoop (from RM), Ultra Magnus MIB (from Valkyrie_76).

Below that, we have C-121 to C-124 the Dino-cassettes Gurafi, Noizu, Dairu and Zauru (from RM), VSZ giftset (from EH), C-301: Go-Shooter, C-302: Carb (displayed loose below), C-303: Minelba, C-108: Artfire (from RW) and C-109: Stepper (from TF Source).

The next thing I rearranged were the top two shelves on the right. These were Decepticon themed, to match the Decepticon loose display pieces below.

08 July 2013

Recap on eHobby exclusives from yesteryear

Back in the days of the 'Dreamwave' covers TFC 'book' reissues, which was a long time ago (perhaps a decade or so), eHobby timed repaints with each release of the TFC Reissues.

For example, when Takara released TFC#03: Skids, eHobby timed its release with an 'exclusive' repaint, eHobby Crosscut; for TFC#04: Tracks, eHobby had Road Rage and so on.

At the time, with little knowledge of the Diaclone line and its colours (except perhaps blue Bluestreak), I looked at these repaints with derision, and wrote them off as 'cheap' recolours in a bid to milk money from collectors.

However, being a sucker for punishment, I still went out there and bought them all, mostly.

07 July 2013

Donuts Daily - Part 4 - the dunkin' continues...

This is 3 chapters long and going into the 4th!

Check out the previous donut chapters here:

Today, the dunkin' fun continues with contributions (on TFW2005) from brr-icy and iDarkDesign...

All the way from Amsterdam, iDarkDesign's donut signature...

Then, from brr-icy, photographer extraordinaire, he of supah-photographs status comes a photo that really stabs this donut discussion in its (great) heart...

... and brr-icy's question to the world...

06 July 2013

Donuts Daily (Part 3)

Not too many donut pics today, there's one from Hyperoptic, and it's epic...

(I think those are fruitloops...)

And SQ7 has changed his signature to this, which is kind of dunkin'....

05 July 2013

Donuts Daily (part 2) - happy 4th July!

Donut madness continues on TFW2005 for yet another day... the Donuts Daily, Part 2 is here. (see Part 1 here).

This was a piece from last night, by Nuke...

Hyperoptic kicked off the day with this piece... 'killing 3 birds with 1 stone', donut, stars & stripes, Transformer.

Backed by Backstop with this Canadian Slag flavoured baked sensation.

04 July 2013

Donuts Daily Part 1 - The DONUT appreciation on TFW2005

Maz started this.

He'd say that Sixshot lovers or the lack of appreciation for Greatshot caused this... but Maz started this.

He started it here on page 770 of The Generation One Toys Appreciation Thread!, now with donut attachment (or if you prefer 'dougnut').

Here, the proof is in the pudding... erm... donut...

So, it started with a Decepticon donut...

... which was followed by Superquad7's response... "Magnus deals donuts"...

... then Hyperoptic peered in with...

... followed by Acid_Storm, who 'summoned us for a purpose'... donuts!

03 July 2013

Operation Combination TF-01: Sixbuilder MIB, unused (#1 of 36)

This is the first piece of a large batch of vintage TFs that I recently acquired - in total, there will be approximately 35 pieces, this is #1 of 35. But I'm going to keep mum on what I got, for now.

I feel so dumb for having to buy this again.


At one point, I had all 10 pieces of the Operation Combination series, and for some unfathomable reason, I decided to sell all the vintage 6 robot combiners and went and got the reissues. Go figure. I'm lost for answers.

So here it is, TF-01: Sixbuilder MIB, unused. The box art is stunning. Why did I ever sell these and now am buying them back? No idea.

This is the back of box. Notice the 2 members that has 'Devastator' like colours.