13 February 2013

back, after somewhat of a break

I have not posted anything since November last year.

I thank all those who were concerned and who emailed me either personally or through the site to find out what I was up to, what was happening (and whether I've died!).

Yes, lots was happening. 

In a nutshell, there were these, at least:

  • work had become extremely busy - someone, or something, turned on the tap and never switched it off!
  • renovations for our new place
  • preparations for moving into our new place - there were some 60 cartons of Transformers / toys alone, not to mention other household items
  • the actual moving into our new place
  • unpacking and arranging items in our new place - it's not easy to arrange and display that many Transformers...
  • this site had to be 'saved' - more on that below
  • E and I went on a long-time-coming vacation to South America for a month in December
On the second last bullet point - Webshots, which hosts all the photos on this site, was sold to some company who decided that photo hosting was no longer going to be its core business. What it meant was that if I didn't host my photos somewhere else, then all the photos on this site will become dead links when Webshots 'closed down' and becomes this different animal that the new owners wished it to be.

I have 1 month to save all 6500+ photos, re-upload them and place them back into their original positions across more than 700 blog-entries. Bear in mind that the things in all the above bullet points were going on at-the-same-time! I was stretched to my breaking point and worked till at least 3am every night to save and re-upload photos or to pack for the move (and then longer to unpack after the move).

With the site, I am very fortunate that E and a number of close friends stood shoulder to shoulder with me and helped me battle through to save this site. You know who you are, but I'd like to thank you here once again - 
  1. E;
  2. VF-1 and his lovely wife V - you guys did so much in so short a time, even with the birth of your second daughter happening at the same time;
  3. my classmates S and H, as somewhat of a team for the 2011 posts; and
  4. my other classmate 'Justice' Q.
There is no doubt that this site and the resource it represents to many collectors would not exist today if not your efforts. A very heartfelt THANK YOU E, VF-1, V, S, H and Justice.

Looking at the above, my close to 3 month absence is not really that long, I'd have thought. heh.

There must be a section of people who have been wondering why I have not been replying to their emails over the past 3 months. I hereby apologise and promise that I will be getting around to your emails over the next 1-2 weeks.

~ HD


  1. Good to see you back! I just figured you were taking a bit if a break like everyone else. Looking forward to more posts from you!

    1. hi buddy, it's good to be back (I think). Hopefully, I can post with the same regularity and tenacity as I used to. I have some things lined up that I'd like to post soon, time permitting.

  2. I cringe at the idea of Photobucket closing one day as I use them to host my photos and such. Good to see you back...especially since I want to pick your brain about an upcoming Japanese G1 TF post I've got coming...

    1. Webshots closing was a nightmare. They wanted to charge users for their services, and I would have paid, but their new site (Smile) was completely un-navigable and the photos are all done (and laid out) differently there. I simply had no confidence that even if I paid for their services, the photos would still appear right on the site. In the end, I bit the bullet and just did it the hard way.

      Drop me an email any time about your upcoming Jap post! =)

  3. [enter the theme song to "WELCOME BACK, KOTTER" here]

    Welcome back! I am 100% to hear that you are both alive and kicking, as well as why you were absent. Also, I hope you had time to pick up Kerokero Ace as well! In retrospect, ALL SPARK has become my favorite G1 series. Also, it now includes my all-time favorite version of Megatron! That, and shows us what "WFC/FOC" Starscream looks like with glasses. :)

    And with me... Nothing new to say. Bought a Diaclone (MIB/unopened Train Robo No.1) before realizing that vintage is not for me. That will be sold and I will pre-order my first Masterpiece (not Bluestreak). That, and I am trying to push into starting my own t-shirt related business down the road. :)

    1. Hi Phil, thanks for the warm welcome. I missed our conversations here.

      So you're into WFC now? I saw the proto Metroplex, and its huggggee..! I am considering that, are you?

      A pity to hear vintage is not for you. Vintage is the *only* thing for me. My classics are gathering dust as we speak and I am considering liquidating them... hahaha...

      Good luck with the biz too!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh man! I'm very happy you have a great team of friends and family who were able to help you with all of the transition. Give them my thanks! Hope we'll get to hear about your trip to South America soon. I've never been. I'm planning a trip to Japan myself coming up in November. So i'm planning on reading your post regarding places to shop in Japan many times coming up. Cheers!

    1. Yes, they were very excellent. TBH, I would have given and up half the site would have tanked. It just was not possible to go it alone. South America is great, most of the updates are on Facebook since I'm trying to keep this site pure and Transformery, but I might sneak in 1 or 2 images at some point, heh =)

      Drop me an email if you do go to Japan. Will give you what tips and tricks I can!

  6. Welcome back to the land of TF's - hopefully this enforced break will re-energise you to keep posting haha - it was a great effort to keep the site up, appreciate it! I can only wonder if you found any TF's in South America... I managed to snag one of those boxed pin sets - they are tiny compared to the boxed T's.

    1. Thanks Matt! No TFs in South America. I wasn't looking and even if I were, I'd have no idea where to find any. The place is just too beautiful, I actually forgot about TFs for the month I was there!

  7. Whew, glad you are back and things are calming down some hopefully!

    1. hey buddy, glad to be back! How have you been with Sharkticon acquisition?

    2. Slow but steady. I did happen to nab the Wonderfest Sharkticon model kit lately, just haven't done anything with it yet :)

    3. Ah, I've seen the Wonderfest kit before. It's neat, but has to be assembled and painted, something particularly challenging for me. heh. How is charticon coming along?

  8. Glad to see you back dude; I was indeed a little concerned when you Blog fell silent but I'm glad to see it's all due to very IRL reasons, glad to see/hear that yourself & E are doing well and are in a new & bigger residence. :)

    Very much looking forward to seeing pics of your new pad, as well as your trip to South America (A very nice if not slightly dangerous place I believe) but also: I really-REALLY want to hear you thoughts on MP Lambor/Sideswipe/Red Alert but mainly, I'd love to hear your thoughts on MP-13 Soundwave! :D

    Take it easy in the mean time mate, glad you're back. :)

    1. hi Hursti! South America was okay. Not as dangerous as I imagined, but then, we were in a tour group and being herded around, so it might be different.

      Will keep in mind to put down some thoughts on MP Swipe, Alert and Soundwave. I did get them all BTW. haha


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