19 November 2012

Pick of the Day - Divide and Conquer once more

"Prime is alone, the three or you can take him!"

(or can they?)


  1. heh, Starscream has Megatron so this is really 4 on 1. bad news for Prime!

    1. yeah, poor Prime. At least Skywarp is stupid... heh

  2. yeah, Prime could be in for it, but at least he seems to be knocking out Thundercracker first...

  3. Prime is in trouble

  4. Actually it all depends on whether that comes from a regular episode or a new movie. In regular episodes, pretty much all characters tend to shoot like drunken mules and even if they hit, the impact is never fatal.

    In a movie though, especially ones that eliminate the old guard and introduce new characters (toys), it's pretty much Final Fantasy one hit kill.

    1. yeah, you are right. I always did wonder why in the Movie (1986) the characters just keeled over and died after 1 shot when in the regular cartoon, nothing seems to even scratch them.

  5. '86 Prime just needs to transformer and drive over them all, lol.


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