05 September 2012

1987 Headmasters Japanese exclusive dino-cassettes: C-121: Gurafi, C-122: Noizu, C-123: Dairu and D-124: Zauru with D-108: Slugfest and D-109: Overkill

I posted about my D-108: Slugfest and D-109: Overkill acquisitions a few days back. I wanted to lump in images of them with the other dino-cassettes, but I thought, wait a minute, that wouldn't do them justice.

So here we are, a separate post for them - together!

Dramatis personae:
Now, some photos!

D-108: Slugfest and D-109: Overkill with C-121: Gurafi, C-122: Noizu, C-123: Dairu and D-124: Zauru.

These were so alluring, I used them as backdrop for my morning coffee (with E).

Recycling images from past posts...


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  1. What I actually find interesting about the tape-based boxes is that they placed the stats on the bottom. Never knew that. Now I do, and I did not suffer from price shock. ^^

    Oh... And sorry about not shrinking the photos. (And the length of the email.) Things have been hectic up until I had to leave. ^^;

    1. I think maybe they have no space to place them at the back of the box. These are actually pretty small boxes compared to other TFs....

      I saw your email, but did not have to to properly reply yet, will get to it!

    2. Heh... Yeah. :) I actually thought they might have added it as an extra inside the box. But it has been a while since I had seen an original G1 piece. :p

      And I understand. :) Oh, and coincidentally, the 11th piece was "Encore" Soundblaster. I chose him because one of my favorite toys as a kid was Soundwave. :)

  2. There's just something awesome about the singular Japanese packaging for the cassettes. I always loved the two-packs in the US, but the fact that you could buy an individual tape is just awesome to me.

    1. I too have always liked the USA 2 pack releases, but it's odd and at the same time awesome that the Japs can put the smallest of things into boxes rather than card them

  3. Haha, morning coffee. Is it bad that I feel like we need two more Decepticon dino cassettes now? Perhaps a job for some enterprising 3rd party manufacturer? Slugfest and Overkill will be forever outnumbered otherwise.

    1. Yes, it is bad!
      G1 should remain what it is with all it's quirkiness and idiosyncrasies.....hahaha.
      And I was thinking, Decepticons should not have dinos which should be the exclusive province of Autobots!

  4. We absolutely need two more Decepticon Dinos Ark. Or, perhaps some other comparable animal, like a mammoth and a saber toothed tiger?

    I would love for a 3rd party company to start making NEW cassettes.

    1. Hey pax, my thoughts on new dino(s) above, hehe. They do have Trypticon, so maybe they can turn him into a cassette, that'd be ironic....

    2. Lol, how ticked off would ol' Trypticon be about that?? Go from the biggest dude in the bunch to one of the smallest? Of course, he already was turned into a computer Mouse, lol.

    3. hahaha... don't you think its strange that Trypticon, Grimlock, Overkill and the other dino-cassettes are all different sizes?


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