20 May 2012

BotCon 2012, TFCC, Runamuck MISP

I have ever been fond of the Battlechargers since the 80s. I clearly remember one particular interaction, where I pointed to the 'white car' on the catalogue and asked my sister how to pronounce his name. Her answer was "This robot is called 'Runamuck'."

Years later, I acquired the vintage versions Runamuck and his partner in crime, Runabout both MOC.

Goes without saying that when TFCC announced that they were repainting the Generations: Wheeljack mold into Runamuck and Runabout that I just cannot resist. In fact, the 'free club figure' Runamuck was the only reason I decided to join TFCC for the first time ever.

On 10 May 2012, 'Classics' Runamuck arrived! Woohoo!

Runamuck MISP with bio card

Close up of bio card

MISP with BotCon 2012 label.

Next to TFCC Runabout (aka Over-run)

Inside the packages.

The Battlechargers!

Time for some Decepticon Graffiti!

Right away the above photo-shoot, I ripped open the Runamuck package... it's no longer MISP.


  1. i joined the club as well just for these figures this year. they are awesome.

    1. Yesh, if not for these 2, then completely not worth it join. Did you get frauded on you credit card?

    2. Well I joined last year partially to get this two, but also to get last year's Animated Box Set. My card did not get defrauded, but I almost did not get my Runamuck. I had signed up 5 days after the cut off date for the Sideburn figure because I did not want the figure but the club originally told me that I wasn't eligible for the Runamuck figure although my membership date in THEIR website clearly showed that it's after the cut off date. I had to raise a lot of hell in various websites including the TFCC forum before things got rectified. A pretty nightmarish experience.

      On a somewhat related note, are you getting this year's Botcon figures such as Kick off (Kick Over)? I just got that and the Shattered Glass Prime and I like them better than the Battlechargers.

    3. oh yea. my card got hit. It also got hit last year thanks to TFSource too. But i cancelled the card, and got my bank to refund the transactions. all good here!

    4. @ roger- you know, my membership expiry date changed from day to when they were doing shit to the servers. Sometimes it showed 2012, sometimes 2015! Bloody unprofessional.

  2. I've been a member since the beginning but this year they really raised the bar. This was the first year I actually felt like I got something that I really wanted for free. Well, maybe not exactly free as my card got hit as well. So I guess I got the Runamuck in exchange for a headache and a pain in the ass. Worth it though, they look great!

    1. Yeah, the card getting hit was a major pain in the bee-hind. Bank cancelled the transactions but then it's setting back up all the other things on the card that's a bitch. The Battlechargers were by far 2 of the best exclusives, comparable perhaps only with Punch/ Counterpunch


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