29 September 2013

Why I (continue) to collect (Transformers)

I'm literally taking a page out of Colbey's blog, Random Toy Reviews, and putting up on my blog reasons why I collect.

Like Colbey, I was also invited by Maz to contributeto TF Source's articles by writing some thoughts about why I continue to collect; but unlike him, I did not submit my contributions on time. Therefore, my thoughts did not make 'publication' here on TF Source.

So, I thought I might as well put my thoughts on my own blog, which I have to say I have not updated in some time (don't worry, updates are coming). Therefore, in 'print' for the first time, my thoughts on why I continue to collect Transformers more than 30 years after their initial release...

It’s crazy right? I was there as a (very) young pup in 1984 when Transformers were first released by Hasbro into the world. Now, nearly 30 years on, I am still collecting Transformers. It’s crazy, right? Perhaps not if we dig a little deeper…

Some say that collectors are people who look back, but hardly look forward. It’s difficult to argue with the veracity of that statement – collectors do look back at ‘what they used to have’ and ‘what they used to want’ in order to formulate their intent for what they want to buy. It’s not very different for me – I am a collector and I look back all the time. I never got pieces like G1 Bluestreak, G1 Ravage, G1 Pointblank and G1 Snapdragon when I was young. So now, these are my high priority pieces to acquire and acquire again and again, because, hey, what’s worth doing to worth overdoing.

Still, saying that I continue to collect, 30 years after the event, because I like to look back at the past is hardly a robust explanation. What’s perhaps more essential is why I continue to look into the past. Quoting Randal Graves from Clerks II “they [ie: Transformers] remind me of a better time in my life… like when we were young and the world was still in front of us”.

Don’t get me wrong. Life is by no measure ‘bad’ now, but adult life just comes with many responsibilities unlike back in childhood times. Transformers remind me of the times when things were simpler, a time where I got to lavishly spend lots of time with my brother concocting galactic sagas of Autobots vs Decepticons as we played; a time where every ‘new’ episode or new issue (Marvel and Marvel UK) of Transformers was truly exciting and provides new fuel for my imagination. It was a time when I had a lot of time, to explore every facet of a toy and its molding, its engineering, the stickers and the paint apps; a time where I could talk with my brother for hours on end about cartoons, comics, Stunticons, Dinobots, the Insecticons; a time when we were not shackled with the demands of a modern world.

I mean, seriously, who wants to look ‘forward’ to things like bill payments, car loans, home mortgages (or rental bills), medical issues, insurances, how to invest one’s money, a child’s upbringing demands and competition re its education (where applicable) and all these other things ‘grown people’ need to do, as a minimum, just to make it through another day. Isn’t it much prettier to look back at the simpler days?

For me, Transformers are the very definition of ‘the simpler days’. That is why I’m still chasing back that slice of childhood 30 years after 1984.

So there is it. My thoughts. 

Again, taking another page out of Colbey's blog and in face (shamelessly) quoting him, I'd like to say 'I'd like this to be somewhat conversational, so if you read this and something comes to your mind I'd like to hear it. Post a comment and tell me and everyone else why you collect. Even if you aren't a hardcore Transformer collector, I'd like to hear why and what you collect. Have fun with it!'


  1. Great to see a post from you again! I'm telling you, I'm loving how this discussion has started things going. I've already hijacked Colbey's post, so I won't hijack this one. However, I think the two if you (plus Maz) have inspired me to do a post about it.

    1. Hey man, I do look forward to your (further) thoughts on the issue. I've of course read what you have wrote on Colbey's blog and I guess, there's not much value in you also putting them here - but for any one wanting to read Optimal's views, do visit the Random Toy's Review link I posted above and check the comments section.

      Thanks for dropping by dude!

  2. He's back! Again! And you bring up some damn good points. We all need a reprieve from life every now and again, why shouldn't it be transforming robots? They're awesome!

    1. You know, sometimes giant transforming robots are the *only* things that make sense in this 'stranger than fiction' world we live in =)

  3. Totally agree with you. Even I just start collecting it like few years back. Is like getting back a childhood memories which I have lost. Now to capture every moments I have with them.

    1. sounds excellent. welcome aboard the collecting train! Do you have a blog about your collection?

  4. I appreciate your response to this topic. It's nice to see I'm not the only one that likes to escape from reality using transforming robots!

    1. hey colbey! I realise that a lot of the things we said about why we continue collecting are quite similar in nature, although we definitely wrote our thought separately. How bizarre...!

  5. so that's who's quote that was loved that scene in Clerks 2, it just makes sense :) one thing from that movie is I wonder what Elias' reaction after the movies would have been, glad Maz extended the article to two weeks, mine (from the same article)

    “I think what keeps me going is that there’s always something new to experience. Whether it’s a G1 mould I’ve never handled, or a new Masterpiece or Classics mold. Seeing how they worked out some parts of the transformations, and especially with Masterpieces, how they got the figures to look like their animation models. Also, I have made a lot of friends online and through Cons that have become a big part of my life. Rearranging a display is a nice way to let the cares of the day fall off my shoulders, and it’s always fun to see the reactions on people’s faces when they see the collection for the first time. It’s a great time to be a collector, and I wouldn’t want to miss it”.


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