12 June 2012

HD was away having coffee and running-a-muck...

Have not updated here in a week or two.

Contrary to the title, I have not been away having coffee or running amuck, although I wish I were!

There will be fresh new posts in a day or two, I promise.

~ HD


  1. Heh... I feel for you on this. I wanted to respond to your previous posts since my return, but I was feeling a bit discourage as my quest to obtain more TFs failed. ^^;

    It's a long story, and I did snap a pic of which TF I wanted to buy but could not afford (Studio Ghibli's shops + major purchase at the Kyoani Shop)... Along with the Toy's "R" Us TF display. ^^

    Oh! And also, how did E take the news that MP-13 will be Soundwave?

  2. My wife wants that coffee...

    1. I'll make one for her if you guys visit Hong Kong!


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