14 June 2010

Transformers Second Generation - the Battle Lines are Drawn

Previous article: Transformers: Second Generation, also called "Gestalts"

The battle lines are drawn. Megatron has deployed all the Decepticon combiners. Optimus Prime responded by also deploying all the Autobots' combiners to defend against the Decepticon assault. Landcross is otherwise engaging Predaking in the Wyoming jungle.

The Dinobots have joined the fray and is designated to take on Devastator. Grimlock has ideas of his own and intends to rally his troops against Dinoking - who shall be king of the dinosaurs?

The Autobot combiners: Raiden, Computron, Defensor, Superion, Road Caesar; Sixliner, Sixtrain, Sixbuilder, Sixturbo and Sixwing.

The Autobot combiners and the Dinobots.

The Decepticon combiners: Abominus, Piranacon, Devastator, Bruticus, Menasor, Liokaiser; Monstructor and Dinoking.

The Decepticon combiners: Abominus, Piranacon, Devastator, Bruticus, Menasor, Liokaiser; Monstructor and Dinoking.

Abominus smashes the Autobot defence.

Superion falls to the aggression of Abominus (note to self, Superion is the combiner I like the least)
Transformers combiner smackdown


Piranacon picks off the pieces.

Piranacon supreme!


  1. Loving all of these combiners pics. Are those dinobots the real deal or WSTs. I can't tell as I haven't seen a dinobot first hand in 20 years.

  2. The Dinobots are WSTs. But they look so like their G1 counterparts that its really hard to tell them apart in photos, especially if the scale is not so clear.

  3. Terrorcon_Leader6 November 2011 at 07:08

    Nice collection!! ...but Abominus should have been the last gestalt standing!!

  4. At least he was the second-last. Perhaps Liokaiser should be the last standing I was thinking...


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