08 June 2010

New arrivals - Targetmaster Blurr

I finally got ahold of this figure. For a time, I was wagering with myself whether it will be TM Blurr or Needlenose that will be the last US G1 figure that I acquire. It's just so hard to find either of these 2 on eBay, at the right price. Awhile ago, I obtained Needlenose and then there are still 2 more US G1 Transformers to go - Skyhopper (which is easily obtainable) and Targetmaster Blurr.

I bought this Targetmaster Blurr off a fellow Board member at TFW 2005, the new best place to buy TFs and round off my collection!

Now, there is only Skyhopper to go before I complete US G1 from 1984 to 1989...

Targetmaster Blurr pictures.


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