28 June 2010

Masterforce D-311: Black Zarak MIB (Part 2)

Previous post: Masterforce D-311: Black Zarak MIB (Part 1), which focuses on the Black Zarak outer box.

Here, the Destron Dark Emperor arrives, Black Zarak emerges!

Black Zarak side by side with his American counterpart, Scopornok. Notice that the styrofoam inserts are actually molded differently.

Black Zarak with all his accessories (sadly, I'm missing his bio-card)

Close up of accessories

Comparison between Black Zarak and Scorponok accessories

Various close up shots of accessories

Black Zarak headmaster and Lord Zarak

Close up of face, which appear to be painted in more detail than Lord Zarak's

Back (Headmaster face)

Close up of Headmasters. From this distance, the wavy GPS-esque lines can be seen on Black Zarak's head

Black Zarak's visor for use in Scorpion mode and is one of the key pieces of accessories which Scorponok does not have

The spear is another accessory that is exclusive to Black Zarak

Close up detail of spear

Close up detail of spear

Black Zarak in scorpion mode. Looks very menacing!

Head with visor in scorpion mode

Black Zarak with Scorponok

Damnit Fortress Maximus, stop creeping in and leave these creeps alone!

Robot mode

Black Zarak and his dark emperor's spear

Close up of head

A series of comparison shots with Scorponok


So who's the man? Who's the man?

Hey, cut the guy with the smaller head some slack.

Shhh... he's twice as big as us, but, let's fight him!

"I would have waited an eternity for this Prime, it's over" - Megatron
"As the earthlings say, 'fat chance, fat head'!" - Optimus Prime


  1. Nicely Done with the shots, every angle was taken in the black zarak and scorponak.

    I was amazed with the WST Optimus Prime and Megatron. It almost showed how big Fortress Maximus is.

  2. Men, really nice review. I think that this its a very helpfull to all the TF colectors because there isnt any review like this in all the web.
    who will be the next? :-P

  3. hi Andres, Michael!

    As you would have seen by now, Fortress Maximus is next up!

    Michael, I like using the WSTs in shots like this because the scale looks right. I really like the WST Dinobots a lot too.

  4. Wow, you are right, he is impressive. I think what is more impressive is that you were able to transform him without any of the pieces breaking on you. I can see some degradation on the headmaster but other than that everything looks really nice!


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