10 May 2015

Maximum Dinobots, the complete G1 USA and Japanese Dinobots

Some time ago, I bought all 5 Japanese boxed Dinobots from Devstar37 and considered my Dinobots 'complete' when complimented by the 2 loose sets (one for robot mode and one for dinosaur mode).

However, recently a very reputable seller and good buddy of mine was selling his MIB unused Dinobots in USA box and I thought this would be a good chance to actually get all the US boxed Dinobots in one go. Thanks buddy, you know who you are!

Above: left set - Takara Japanese boxed Dinobots; right set - Hasbro USA boxed Dinobots

First, I got Swoop from him. Then very recently I got MIB Slag, Sludge and Snarl from him, including the 'innards' of a with bubble unused Grimlock (ie: no Grimlock box). It happens that I actually have a full set of US boxes for the Dinobots, just no bubble, so I did have a nice Grimlock box lying around to place the unused 'innards' into.

Above: boxed Dinobots together with loose robots (one in Dino mode and one in robot mode).

These are some of the most mouthwatering display pieces in the last 30 years, they have to be.

The bubbles were not sealed, but I used magic tape to strategically stick up certain portions so that they will hold in place when displayed upright. The results were surprisingly good for that 15 mins of work.

Loose Grimlock in robot mode; loose Grimlock in tyrannosaurus rex mode; Takara 26-Grimlock MIB (see here for dedicated post on this piece); and Hasbro Grimlock MIB (unused).

USA Grimlock with unused contents and sealed weapons.

Loose Sludge in robot mode; loose Sludge in brontosaurus mode; Takara 27-Sludge MIB (see here for dedicated post on this piece); and Hasbro Sludge MIB (unused). Oh, and for the pedantic, brontosaurus is a 'real' dinosaur again, get lost !

USA Sludge with unused contents and sealed weapons.

Loose Slag in robot mode (Canadian re-face variant); loose Slag in triceratops mode; Takara 28-Slag MIB (see here for dedicated post on this piece); and Hasbro Slag MIB (unused). For detailed posts on the Canadian red-face variant Slag, see here.

USA Slag with unused contents and sealed weapons.

Loose Snarl in robot mode; loose Snarl in stegosaurus mode; Takara 29-Snarl MIB (see here for dedicated post on this piece); and Hasbro Snarl MIB (unused).

USA Snarl with unused contents and sealed weapons.

Loose Swoop in robot mode (diaclone Dinosaur Robo No.5); loose Swoop in pteranodon mode; Takara 30-Swarp MIB (see here for dedicated post on this piece); and Hasbro Swoop MIB (unused). For detailed posts on the Diaclone blue Swoop, see here.

USA Swoop with contents.

The awesome Dinobots!

This is the bottom of the boxes, which are themselves very beautiful, many of the pieces are prototypes and also feature their diaclone style weapons.

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