17 May 2015

Diaclone CarRobots No.18 Lancia Stratos Turbo 'Marlboro Edition', aka Marlboor Wheeljack - with MP-23: Exhaust

This is just a pictorial of the beloved Marlboor Wheeljack together with Masterpiece MP-23: Exhaust.

This photo came out odd. The Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack is not yellowed, its just a little cream, but next to MP-23: Exhaust which is a very white share of white (is there such a thing), Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack actually looks yellowed! Weird.


  1. Thanks for the side-by-side pics. It's really striking how, while the original is indeed a bit smaller than the MP version in vehicle mode, when you transform them into robot mode, the original looks *particularly* short. Those orangutan arms certainly don't help....

    1. It's quite certain the original cannot compare with the MP in terms of design and proportions, but I think the original has its own old-school charm which is quite undeniable - solid materials, die cast, launchers, and all-round G1-weirdness!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for the comparison shots, created this meme based on the Marlboor commercial and the Simpson's episode


    2. Thanks for the kind words.
      That's an interesting meme! Is there a Marlboro commercial?


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