17 June 2014

Takara Transformers, Fight! Super Robot Life, 30 - Swoop MIB (#14 of 36)

This is the last of the 5 Dinobots in Japanese box. It is piece #14 of 36 in my mega-lot purchase.

Takara box 30-Swoop is perhaps one of the rarer and more sought after Japanese boxed Dinobots. There is just something about the box that makes it very attractive.

In terms of Dinobots, this is one of my favourites. It is something that I never had as a little boy. I was tempted for sure, but because it is the smallest of the Dinobots, my young mind figured that it was not really 'value for money'. So in the end, whilst my brother and I had Grimlock, Slag and Sludge, we never had Snarl and Swoop.

In terms of box sizes, 30-Swoop is also the most different from the other 4 Dinobots. The front surface area of the box is same as the other 4 Dinos, but its a lot thinner than the other Dino boxes.

Ah, here is the back of box, art. Specially for my buddy Ginraii!

Here is a shot of Swoop in box and out of box. The robot mode Swoop is actually Diaclone Dinosaur Robo No.5.

The Diaclone box and Transformers box with inserts side by side

I just love this shot - 2 of the most classic toys, side by side.

There's something about thin TF boxes that are very alluring...

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  1. Beautiful piece. I love the Japanese boxes with the "shaped" windows vs. the large open windows of the american boxes. And it is amazing how a little package design can make the toy look entirely different.

    1. Agree man. The Japanese boxes are just very efficient and compact, has a very nice feel. The only small complain I have for the Swoop box is that it's a lot slimmer than the other 4 Japanese Dinos (which are the same size), making display of the 5 slightly challenging.


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