28 March 2014

Maz's ambassador series - Third Party TFs and my selection of TFX-01: City Commander

So it's now up to Part 5 of Maz's ambassador series and enter a further contribution by me - for the Third Party FansProject Ambassador - the City Commander armour!

Read Maz's article here.

I took some photos for the purposes of the article, and thought I should just share it here for everyone to see (since the article can only accommodate a limited number of photos per contributor).


  1. very nice. CC is one of the few 3rd party tfs that has a permanent place in my collection.

  2. Lovely pictures, and thank you so much for such a thoughtful and insightful set of contributions. It's a shame about some of the discussions the contributors have had to get into in order to first of all justify their choices, and then try to explain the entire premise of the articles to those who misunderstood. Then there are those forums where the members have just been plain insulting and ignorant.

    I do wonder sometimes why we ever bother contributing or producing anything constructive at all. I like Bryce's policy, just take pictures and let people worry about adding their own words! :P

    All the best

    1. hey man, no worries, always happy to contribute.

      I guess everyone has their own opinions and those might not always be the same as the contributors'. Forums are sometimes the worst, you never know what type of person is sitting behind the computer, and they can often shoot their mouth off without consequence.

      To me, as long as a handful of close friends appreciate what we are doing, it is enough.


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