09 January 2014

In hand images of FansProject CA-13: Diesel (aka not-Motormaster)

After a really long wait, it is finally here... FansProject's version of Motormaster, one of my favourite G1 characters.

Above, he is pictured with the Japanese version of his G1 counterpart, D-50: Motormaster, a rare piece in itself.

I just got back home with this piece. What makes it extra special is that I picked it up together with 3 other local TF buddies, whom I have gotten to know recently (we already have a What's App group and talk daily!). It was great to pick this up together, go for some food and a drink and to meet them for the first time.

No, I didn't buy 2. One box is for an old friend in Singapore.

I have taken it out of the box and pictured it with instructions and insert.

This is a really stunning rendition of Motormaster.... stunning....

Keep your eyes peeled, I will update this more. I am actually going to transform it now.

~ HD (10.52pm)


Update at 01.26am

Okay, so between talking to a buddy Devstar37 and trying to transform and combine him into Menasor, take photos, edit photos and post them up, I took close to 2.5 hours.

It's certainly good value for money in terms of the length of time and the fun.

Remember FP's City Commander upgrade kit? This is easily 10 times more complex - but EVERYTHING is integrated into the trailer portion - Menasor's feet, hands, all jointing components, sword, guns, everything.

The design is amazing and breath-taking.

Here are more photos.

Some size comparisons.
Left to right: Generations Skids, Henkei Convoy, Generations Springer, Classics Ultra Magnus with FP upgrade amour and not-Menasor!

I just thought Runamuck and Runabout goes well with Menasor...


  1. Daaayuuum!! It's beautiful!!! I can't wait for mine to arrive so I can combine and play with it with Maketoys Giant!

    1. This is nice. I think it'd go brilliantly with Giant.
      Some Decepticon insignias, and my Menasor will be ready to crush Autobots!

  2. sweet, I had the first two, but they got traded off earlier this year, might pick them up as a set later.

    1. This is nice, but also quite complex. With 3P products, a lot depends on whether you like the style of a particular company.

      FP and MT products, to me, are typified by very detailed (and many a times complicated) engineering and high quality construction. It takes a relatively longer time to transform them, but once transformed, they are a marvel to behold. On the flip side, the complexity deters me from transforming them too often.

  3. awesome review, I like how you captured the many different shades of grey and black on MM

    1. hiya 'trolls', it's great how the paint-job with different shades of grey are so subtly done. glad they came out in the photos.

    2. for some reason I thought MM would be mostly done in a two colour black/gray paint colour scheme, based on the images I've seen and HiDef video reviews, your photos show he is a mechanical beast with many intricate details, helpful pictures indeed !

    3. it is indeed a mechanical beast. The subtety of the paint apps is reminiscent of MT's Fallen, when in many photos it looks completely black (and orange). But in hand, it can be seen that there are probably 4-5 different shades of grey, dark purple, blacks that make up the thing.

      I'm planning to photograph it more over the weekend, in dayline. Perhaps more can be seen, who knows

  4. Hey HD,

    I have to admit it that the Motormaster figure itself does look really good. I like the style of the box, the artwork, and the figure itself looks to be a real close homage to the original.

    I've shyed away from a lot of the third party products for the past while only because I can't be so spread out for the time being in terms of buying TF's. I have refocused my purchases to complete the older lines, at least in terms of the figures that I like. the only newer made figures that I have been buying are the Masterpiece's that Maz has tricked me into buying.....speaking of which, I wanted to say thanks to you for passing on my blog to him. He popped in and said hello which was really cool for him to do. I geeked out a little.

    I think my only complaint that I have of this Menasor figure is that the limbs look to be a little bit oversized compared to the size of his body. He comes across, in my opinion, as having really big forearms/shoulders which gives him tiny body/head syndrome. I do like how they kept in showing what appears to be all the pistons/inner workings of the combined figure as it gives him a very aggressive appearance.

    I may have to reconsider some of the thrid party figures in the future.


    1. hi Joe,

      Great to hear Maz visited. He's the Mighty Man in my book, not really He-Man, but mightier than He-Man. heh.

      The figure when combined, is certainly very aggressive looking. But i guess that is consistent with Menasor's profile about being, erm.... mad and uncontrollable.

      With proportions and stuff, I tend not to mind - too big here, too small there, etc etc. I feel that this is just a result of the mode it must change into and is a reflection of "form follows function", the function being the alternate mode I suppose.

      From that logic, each different character should look different and have different proportions, unless they transform into the same thing. I think that's what's interesting, rather than than each robot being anthropomorphically proportionate.

      I'm actually okay with weird body shapes and also kibble - it's what gives the robot character and marks it as different.

      with these things, there will always be detractors, haters, people who want it all. But there is no universal equation and perfection (if at all) is just in the eye of the beholder.

  5. I dig him. What does Motormaster look like in bot mode? And the feet and fists being part of the figure is great engineering.

    1. MM looks okay in 'bot mode. I guess you could search for pics online for the guy haha. I'm really not very inclined to transform him, which all good things aside, is really the one "flaw" in FP's Transformers.


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