26 November 2013

Generations (2013) Blitzwing - this is not a review

The other day, I was rearranging my CHUG shelf because I needed to make space for this-super-duper-awesome-new-Generations-figure...

I cleaned the shelves out a lot, meaning I transformed and kept a number of pieces so that I had space to display new pieces.

Then I came to Generations Blitzwing. Yeah, he was on the shelf too. And I wanted to transform him into tank mode to keep him. In the process, I re-discovered, all over again, what a piece-of-fecal-matter-toy Generations Blitzwing is.

I don't think I want to waste more cyber space talking about this toy sucks giant slick beef balls, so I decided to take some shots and show them here.

Here comes Devastator (a third party toy)....

"Take that, you piece of fecal matter!" *stomp!*

"... and that and that and that..." *stomp stomp stomp!!! crush, crush!*

Next, Devastator stabs Blitzwing with his own Electron Scimitar *scene too gory and is censored*


  1. You made me laugh again HD! I remember your first review that you wrote on this Blitzwing where you also verbally expressed my same sentiments for that figure. I think my anger was more directed towards Hasbro. We had waited so long for another Blitz to come out and this is what they gave us?! You shouldn't even have that figure in your collection anymore. Drop it off your balcony.

    1. hi Joe, I'm really thinking of tossing this figure off my balcony, but then, I think the only saving grace is the robot mode, which looks a lot like EJ Su's designs during the 'ation' arcs.

      It is however, a really badly designed figure. Even if there were zero QC issues, the design is still horrid because each of the alternate modes are not even convincing at all.

  2. Wow, tell us how you really feel! ;)

    1. I feel good, but just not about this figure haha

  3. Mine is currently doing the splits on it's shelf. I don't see the point of correcting his stance.

    1. is that because the legs are too loose?

    2. No, I was trying for a pose, it didn't work, and when I bumped the shelf, he went into the splits. It's still like that.

    3. haha, that's funny. Goes to show how bad the QC for the toy is....


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