11 November 2013

A glimpse of posts going forward...

... swimming in seekers...


  1. How? That's all I want to know. How do you always find these incredible finds?

    1. Usually through connections and friends, rarely via eBay or auctions.
      I'm a creature of set habits, I typically only like to buy from people that I know and trust. =)

  2. Part of that big lot HD? Now my awkward question - did mail-away dirge come in any particular packaging in Japan?

  3. Yup, all 5 were part of the 'big lot'! haha

    As far as I understand it, mail-away Dirge in Japan came in a stock standard USA box, without even the additional golden sticker that mail-away Gnaw has. Certainly I have not seen otherwise.

  4. Does it have a China (c) like the Dinobots do?

    1. hi Argus, been a long time!

      I don't believe these comes with "China" on any part of them. Far as I know, they are all made in Japan. I'll need to check though.


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