20 June 2013

vintage G1 Transformers Masterforce D-301: Wilder aka Fangry MISB!

Today, I am showing an MISB specimen of D-301: Wilder.

I actually bought this at a local auction site yesterday evening.

Today evening, I met the seller at the train station near my work and completed the transaction - all within a span of 24 hours!

I'm very happy that transactions here in HK can take place, so fast, with no frills, no shipping costs and is such a pleasure!

I don't really have an awful lot to say about this MISB figure other than showing some photographs of how absolutely gorgeous it is. As can be seen by the little thumbnail on the left, this is the Japanese version of the USA figure Fangry, which is a small sized Headmaster compared with the likes of Mindwipe, Skullcruncher, Weirdwolf for example.

In Japan, these small Headmasters were released as part of the 1988 Transformers Chojin Masterforce line as 'Headmaster Juniors'. D-301 is called 'Wilder' in Japan.

One of the rare few figures that has its box art entirely unobstructed.

The Headmaster figure. According to Masterforce lore, this is actually Wilder, while the bigger robot is the thing Wilder pilots.

Pristine, sharp corners all round. Not bad for a 25 year toy.

Believe it or not, the seller told me that he bought this (and 2 other Wilders MISB also) about 2-3 years ago, casefresh.

Does it look casefresh to me?

Hell, yeah!

Just look at this pic.

Straight flap, no flapcrease.

No really, the flap is that straight.

Bottom of the box, for good measure.

Here, photoed together with its Cybertron counterpart, C-301: Go-Shooter.


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  1. Beautiful box! Here's, I'm sure, a silly question: on the Takara versions, are they stamped "Takara/Hasbro" or just Takara? I've always wondered.

    1. hmmm... that's a good question, I will check. But I suspect they will be stamped both Takara and Hasbro, but the country of the make may differ - for example, at the time some HMs were made in Taiwan, some in Thailand, some in Macau and yet some in Japan!

  2. *rhetorically shakes his fist at you out of jealousy* Dude, I so need to consider finding a way to move to Hong Kong. Because maybe then, I would have a chance to complete my Encore collection, add some Headmasters and Combiners, and have enough to own a coffee machine that makes wonderful hot chocolate (as I am not into coffee).

    Besides that, such a beautiful specimen! It kind of has me think that the 1988 Headmaster Jr. have my favorite box art now. :) Now I wish he had one left for sale. And this is competing with my wish for a time machine so I can get the original Headmasters from both Takara and Hasbro! ;)

    So again... Great job. :)

    1. you're not into coffee? That's sacrilegious!

      Let me know when you visit man, Encore is easy to complete if you are here. This specimen is stunning, and i completely believe it is casefresh. it looks and feels so.... untouched.

      Saw your email too. Will reply tomorrow. Late now.


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