19 September 2012

Latest additions to "My Favourite Blogs" side bar

Like my buddy Mr "Mostly Transformers Redux" Arkvander, I'm always on the look out for Transformer related blogs and reading content. 

When I come across ones that I like or are great for sharing, I will add them to my blogroll, which is the section I call "My Favourite Blogs" on the side bar.

Over the last couple of days, I have added the following:
Pax Cybertron - great site, well taken photos, great reviews of G1 and recent releases. 
Robot Points - featuring Ras and his (very) rare toys and prototypes. 
Transformers Seminarian - who works in a seminary, who writes about Transformers, and other stuff.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to 'up and coming' aka relatively newly formed blog sites, which are also very well done and deserving of the community readership's support!
Optimal Omega's Transformers - passionate articles about his collecting journey and childhood toys. 
A G1 Journey (aka Staying in the Box) - Matt's G1 journey, also extremely passionate and detailed articles with loads of high quality photos of G1 pieces.
So, pop a beer open, kick back, head over to these great resources and enjoy!

~ HD


  1. Holy crud! Thanks for the plug! I just hope that my collection gets close to being as large as the rest of you big leaguers. I feel as though my writing is improving so hopefully reading my blog isn't a chore. Thanks again for the plug!

    1. hey dude! Don't worry about collection size, that does not matter. What's important is what your collection does for *you* - ie: the joy and the nostalgia, etc...

    2. My collection brings me so much joy. But I want more!

    3. Don't we all? Heh.
      Actually, I'm looking to trim my collection, it's getting too too large and I'm running out of space...

  2. Our interconnectedness only makes us stronger :)

  3. Thanks for adding me! I love reading your thoughts on your collection items! Ark's right, its all about interconnetedness! LOL.

    1. No worries bud! Your photos are very well done and I like your site a lot!


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