21 July 2012

Takara MyClone Wave 3 Red Alert (chase)

During my collecting journey, I’ve collected many different kinds of Transformers PVC or “rubber” figures. For example, Decoys, Takara Super Collection Figures (“SCF”), Takara Mega Super Collection Figures (“Mega SCF”) and Hasbro’s Heroes of Cybertron, just to name a few.

However, I’ve never really collected the Takara MyClone series, which are ‘super deformed’ mini-figures representing various key G1 Transformers characters. 3 Waves of 6 figures each were released. Like the SCF line also being released around that period, each Wave has 2 ‘chase’ figures that were short-packed and blind-packed into each assortment. Again, like the SCF chase figures, these MyClone chase figures are pretty hard to come by, some more than others.

A couple of years back, when I was still based in Australia, a fellow collector asked me to help him look out for MyClone Red Alert, a chase figure from Wave 3 of the series. Back then, I thought, ‘how hard could it be? I’d come across this item on my travels, surely!’.

How wrong I was.

In the last 2-3 years of toy hunting, the only 2 MyClone chases that I’ve never, ever, seen before are Dirge and Red Alert (both from Wave 3). I don’t know what the deal was, but I had never imagined that a chase could be that hard to find. These are apparently so rare that even resources such as TFW or Shmax only either has a stock photo of Red Alert or none at all.

Enter Osaka in June / July this year. Arrived there. Went to a shop. Bam. There was a MyClone Red Alert standing right there among a bunch of regular MyClone figures. Jaw dropped. Bought it.

Here it is.

Close up of rocket pack, not that Red Alert actually had one in G1 continuity.

Another close up of rocket pack

Date and manufacturer's stamp - Takara '03

In the end, this MyClone Red Alert had to go to my buddy in Australia. However, due to its (in my eyes and probably his) extreme rarity, I suggested that we do a trade for it rather than deal through cash. He agreed to trade me something equally desirable to me, but not quite as rare or obscure as MyClone Red Alert.

But, that is a story for another day.


Red Alert and his 'brother in armour', Sideswipe!


  1. I've never really been tempted to collect the MyClones either. I only have a Metroflex and Dinosaurer because I got them for cheap at a Botcon one year.

    They do have their own certain charm - that is for sure. If had more disposable income I'd imagine I'd go after the rest.

    1. The only ones I have are Jazz and Sideswipe actually. I don't collect MyClones either, but this piece, I helped a buddy get...

  2. Red Alert Myclone is rare. I have the entire collection but him and I've been watching ebay for years waiting for him to pop up. I've only seen him once for $50 USD once. Great find!

    1. For a figure that is rare on this magnitude, I'd grab it at $50, that's for sure! Like you, my buddy was also looking for years and years. Why is this so rare do you know? Is it because it's severely shot packed?


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