02 July 2012

Heroic's Hunt - day 03 - Osaka Castle, Shinsaibashi, Den Den town

[Edit 7 July 2012 - photos added!]

Me and my big mouth

Been complaining for the last 2 days that it keeps raining in Osaka/ Tokyo. What happens today? Sun was blasting at full furnace. Almost got burnt to a crisp at Osaka Castle.

Like I said, me and my big mouth.

Oh, wait. Rewind.

I was monumentally tired after yesterday's, Tokyo expedition, so I slept in at the hotel today.


Woke up and took a leisurely stroll to have lunch at 天地人 ramen, which was actually very good before heading to Osaka Castle. This was something that I wanted to do last time but did not get around to.

To say the least, this place was spectacular. It was v-e-r-y impressive, more so than other castles around the world that I have seen, and I have seen a fair few. From the double moats, to the steep battlements, to the spatial planning and the castle itself, it was a work of art and extreme beauty. Of course, a sunny day is actually the right light to see it under, where the strong light accentuates the colour of the materials and strength of its well designed lines.

I was just blown away by this place and highly recommend any one who visits Osaka to go see it. Well worth the time I spent (about 3 hours including getting there and back and walking the grounds).

Photos of Osaka Castle

The outer moat

Even the vegetation there is greener

The castle itself

"look at the size of the thing!"

Came back to Nippombashi station and went another round at Mandarake Chaos. Tried very hard, but did not buy anything. There was just nothing remotely of interest.

Then went back to hotel Hillars to take a shower, was just too hot. Check some emails and went for a really leisurely stroll of the shops in Den Den Town.

Photos of Hero Gangu

The ground floor display cabinet

The G1 cabinet

close up

Box condition, not so good

Some diaclone stuff

The 'overseas toys' BotCon cabinet

Volks Inc actually had a corner dedicated to Transformers. There was an old school TV there playing Transformers: The Movie in Japanese too!

Advertising for MP-Sideswipe

Ended the day not buying anything either. There were a number of pieces that I thought were potentials and was waiting for replies from buddies in terms of whether they wanted certain pieces, but again, never bought anything.


After dinner, back at hotel again and had to do something for work.

Really tired. Tonight I plan to relax in the room and read Superman: Secret Origin by Geoff Johns.

Let's see what tomorrow brings - its my last day here.

~ HD

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  1. ~ good luck tomorrow~
    ~ EA

    1. Thanks! EA is the best.

      On hidsight, your goodluck wish turned out very well because on the final day, I found something really really rare....!

  2. sometimes it's just good to take leisurely walks and take in the sights for a good change of pace, H_D! :D

    1. Yes, it was a good change. And relaxing for the mind and body and for the wallet too! heh


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