23 May 2012

"The Racing Cars of Diaclone and Early G1" - article by Maz

Another week, another well written and well researched article by Maz over at TF Source.

This week, Maz writes about the early G1 Autobot cars, Jazz, Mirage, Wheeljack and Smokescreen and the actual race cars that inspired them.

A lot of history and a lot to learn there!

Head over to read Maz's article now!

[Photos mirrored from TF Source]


  1. Wow, Maz never disappoints, it is super cool to see the Transformers we grew up with in real-life vehicle form.

    I wouldn't mind a Wheeljack in my garage :)

  2. Yeah, I Wheeljack would be super cool. Even by today's standards, that car is one stunning work of beauty!


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