26 March 2012

Sunday acquisitions - MP-10 MISB and Robot Heroes "invisibility" Mirage

Yesterday (Sunday), was a very nice day. 

Had brunch at Langham Hotel with E and 3 friends. Walked under the sunny weather (a rare occurrence) from TST to Mong Kok for toy shopping. Really nothing much of much interest. Had tea with E at Langham Place (dunno whether related to hotel). Went home for dinner. Watched The Hunger Games in the cinema, an excellent movie.

During the Mong Kok / Yau Ma Tei forage, I managed to pick up a Robot Heroes clear Mirage (E likes transparent toys!) and also MP-10 MISB, which I have been resisting for the longest time and which E bought for me.

Despite my initial reservations, I'm quite excited about MP-10 and as with all my Transformers (whether new of vintage), I look forward to transforming him without the use of the instructions - it's very fun. I highly recommend.

Obligatory photo...


  1. Nice HD!

    Since the news of mp-12 Ive been reconsidering to order this piece, just going to wait to get this and mp-11 shipped together.

    You gotta pick up mp-11 now too?

    Id like to know what you think about mp-10 in comparison to mp-01 and does it satisfy as the ultimate representation of g1 cartoon prime?

    1. hi gd!

      Yes, I'm picking up MP-11, this Saturday in fact! heh.
      I wouldn't say that MP-10 is the ultimate representation of G1 cartoon Prime because it's just too subjective. It is however, a very very good representation of G1 Prime.

      I'd also say that it trumps MP-01, despite its smaller size. It is also easier to articulate, especially the legs (the clicks between movements are finer) and the transformation is so much more intuitive than MP-01 which is not fun to transform. MP-10 is fun to transform!

      A big plus is that Spike can sit inside the cab in vehicle mode. How cool is that? Spike can also sit in Roller and in 4 different places in the trailer battlestation and in the crane drone - there just isn't enough Spike to go around!

      Overall, in terms of playability and fun factor, MP-10 beats MP-01.


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