17 December 2011

Weekend update #1 - Shockwave and Triggerbots / cons

Catching up and updating on things that I acquired some time ago but not posted.

First its the MOSC Triggerbots and Triggercons. I bought these over a period of time at YMT. They were each on consignment, but the person who consigned them only put 1 piece up at a time.

The first he had up was Backstreet MOSC, which I intended to buy, but after deciding to walk around first then pick it was beaten to the punch by another person (I don't like him). A few days later, Override MOSC was put up for sale, but I decided to pass because it was yellowed inside the bubble and I didn't want that. Then, over the next weeks, these were consecutively put up and I managed to grab each one of them by being vigilant and visiting regularly! - Dogfight, Crankcase, Ruckus and Windsweeper.

Here they are...

Dogfight and Windsweeper

Crankcase and Ruckus

The Tiggercons - Crankcase, Ruckus and Windsweeper

Their package art is simply stunning (Ginraii may appreciate this)


Next up there is Shockwave (one of my all time favourite G1 Transformers in terms of both characterization and the toy).

I bought this from Skullcruncher on the OZ Formers boards as a for "robot mode" display piece, so I wasn't fussed about it missing its battery cover or the gun barrel. His left arm was however, broken off. Kup from OZ Formers was most kind and offered to help me repair the broken arm before on-sending it to me in HK.

And I have to say, Kup did a very very good job repairing it!

Here is Shockers in his full (restored) glory!

Close up

The arm has been repaired

The tip of the gun barrel was also broken off, but I asked Kup to leave it as it (he did sand it), because I thought a shorter barrel was more cartoon like.

G1 Shockwave with the Hard Hero Shockwave bust

G1 Shockwave with Encore #20: Devastator. Shockers is taller than Devvy!


  1. Very, very nice acquisitions! I am indeed a pretty big fan of the 1987 art and box styling. I think the logo and artwork was very nice for a lot of the pieces during that run of G1. The Techno take on the packaging raster always worked very nicely! Better than the 84/85 smooth circle gradient that was used..

  2. Hmmm... I'm not so sure about the Techno-gradient myself, I've always preferred the 84/85 backgrounds, but I guess its a person choice. The package art for the Triggerbots and Triggercons are beautiful, usually detailed and well executed, like 'em!


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