07 October 2011

HK Market Watch - C-311: Grand Maximus MIB, unused and others

Been extremely busy and so only managed to make a toy run today.

As per normal, my usual shop did not disappoint, and had restocked on many minty pieces of key characters.

As can be seen from the picture above, they have their nth D-307: Overlord (MIB, unused, as always), a fresh new D-93: Mega Zarak, Takara individually boxed Predacons MIB, unused and a number of early 2000 eHobby reissues.

This the powerhouse today though - C-311: Grand Maximus is a box as immaculate as mine and every bit as minty - C9.5+, complete, unused, fresh! Even the god sword has not been assembled (very rare, because once assembled, it cannot be taken apart).

A very impressive piece at a very impressive price of HK$28,000 ~ ~

At shop 221, some good 'ol Henkei. These look beautiful! Red Alert (rare) and Smokescreen.

I should note that BAPE Convoy prices in HK are dropping. In previous editions of market watch, their prices were first in the HK$2700 region, then HK$2500 region and now, today, they were on the average HK$2200, the cheapest was HK$2150.

Personally, I don't think they deserve to be so priced, for something not very appealing. Now, if he was cast with an ape head, that would be a totally different story.

I also bought somethings, but will post them up late...

~ HD


  1. oh why no liokaiser :( heh heh

    Wonder what you got :P

  2. Another Overlord??? Arggghhh Counting The Days...

  3. @ Eric - lately, no Liokaiser =)

    @ Xcept - yes, another Overlord, this is like the 10th of something I've seen over the past year (I don't even count them anymore).

  4. ugh. this isn't fair. nothing I wanted when I went over but now....

  5. @ Anonymous - sorry to hear that. It's hit and miss sometimes when it comes to what stock particular shops have.

  6. Is there a way to negotiate with this shop online and have them ship to the US? I see a couple things I'd like, are the prices even negotiable?

    1. It's been awhile and 90% of what you see in the photos are already long gone. See here for a more recent update of products available - http://cavecollection.blogspot.com/

      I understand from the owner that he does not sell overseas and does not ship stuff around - not even locally (within HK) or to China. You can call up to enquire, but they speak limited English: +852 2359 4918

      Prices are sometimes negotiable if you turn up in person, but then I'm not sure if it was online or over the phone.

      Anything else you want to know, feel free to email me. =)

    2. I sent you an email, actually two, one from this morning, and another just now. Let me know.

    3. hiya, I replied to one of your emails and was half way through replying to another when I had to dash off. Will reply properly tomorrow.

      Check out today's post, more new arrivals!


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