07 July 2011

It's a shadow!

So what exactly did I get at my usual G1 shop last weekend?

Well, here it is - D-309: Black Shadow MIB!

I have been searching for this piece, one of my final pieces to complete Transformers: Victory, for some time. Each time I see it or is offered, I pass because the price is just way too high or because the condition is not good, but then the asking price is incommensurately high. It is not unheard of for people to ask as much as USD$1,000 for a MIB Black Shadow, and its not even unused.

So, went there to the shop that day and I saw it sitting there.

I went "Wow, I must buy that!"

E said "ok, go for it!"

So bought it I did and this was my complete loot for 2 July 2011.

D-309: Black Shadow MIB
Box - C8, general wear
Toy - C9, very minty
Stickers - C8, general wear
Paperworks - complete, but not used sticker sheet

More pictures of this awesome piece...

Unobstructed box art!

Very minty on the inside



Inner robot


  1. Alright H_D! Warm welcome to the exclusive Blackshadow club! Mine has serious yellowing on the box, though. :-( Grats again! So awesome!

  2. I guess your patience finally paid of HD!
    Congrats! I know that Black Shadow and Blue Bacchus, are one of the rarest TF Toys out there.

  3. @Michael Choy: Most definitely! Those two dont come along very often! H_D's haul is pretty awesome in terms of it's condition.

    @H_D: Sorry if I hijacked this post..and answered on your behalf.. >_>U

  4. hey Adam, don't mind at all that you answered. It's free for all to chip in.

    Yeah Michael, these 2 guys are pretty rare... a pity that Blue Bacchus is a piece that I have yet to obtain...

  5. @H_D: No worries, hope we're cool. :D
    Also, lately had an offer for an MISB Blue Bacchus deal. wont be revealing the nature of the exact payment, all but because it is not a done deal yet. Sigh. :(

  6. @ Adam: How did the Blue Bacchus deal go? I need a Blue Bacchus man!

  7. @H_D: Didn't go too well, Im afraid. Someone beat me to it by a mere $20... :(
    No worries, we can find our Blue Bacchus toys one day, man! ;o


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