29 March 2011

Heavy hittin' acquisitions over the weekend

I'm still in shock. 

So, I'm not going to say too much other than I picked these up over the weekend from my usual rock-solid G1 shop in YMT (Henkeis from somewhere else). All of these he kept exclusively for me, so was never displayed on the store front although the stock has been there for a week.

Ok, will let the pictures do that talking...


  1. Dang! Those pictures did some mighty fine talking!

  2. HD, was there a reissue for Ramjet? How much did you get those for?

  3. Why so many Ramjets?

  4. Woah....speechless especially on your mighty fine Japanese acquisitions! Minerva! Im in awe of your TF vintage skills. Only I can dream of getting the stuff you are getting!

  5. @ Roger & Jay: I found a case of them at a distributor! Must of them has been sold to my buddies in SG/HK already...

    @ Adam: Thanks man, Minerva was a good awesome, wholesome find =)


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