18 March 2011

Featured on Transformers Characters.net

A bit ago, the webmaster of Transformers Characters.net approached me and talked about doing a feature of this site on his site.

I thought it would be a great idea, since we all share a passion for them robots-in-disguise. What's not to like? So, I quickly said 'yes'. For the feature, the webmaster selected a number of photos from my site, shrunk them to thumbnails and showed them by-way-of-introduction to the pieces that I have.

I like the selection of photos. Quite unbeknownst to him (or perhaps he knows!), the photos represent a good spread and are representative of key points in time of my collection, chronologically that is. For example, some shots were from the really early days, as early as 1987! Some from my collection 'renaissance' days in the 1999 to 2002 period in Singapore; then the Australia period and so on.

I can tell also, that the webmaster is passionate about the early G1 years because not all the photos selected were of the 'coveted rare Japanese exclusive' toys. I particularly appreciated the selection of (1) the photo of the Stunticons lined up against the Teletraan-1 background; (2) the shot of the Decepticon Triple Changers with their boxes in the background (I went to such great lengths to find a MIB Octane to complete this trio!); and (3) the shot of the six 'standard size' Autobot Pretenders. These are not rare, but certainly close to heart.

Then, there were other shots.

Well, don't just take my word for it, head over to Transformers Characters.net and check it out the post for yourself now - Featured Transformers Collection: Heroic Decepticon’s US & Japanese G1 Collection.


  1. I already envied your collection. ;)

  2. Hello stranger! Not spoke with you for sometime now. All's well?

  3. All is lurking (scuttling) around as usual...


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