30 December 2010

Victory, C-325: Greatshot MIB

Introducing Greatshot MIB, Sixshot's counterpart, or should I say repaint in the Transformers Victory universe.

I was first acquainted with Greatshot back in 2001 when I was in HK. I bought a Greatshot, loose, complete, in C9 condition for SGD$70. Since I was still a student back then, I fell short of funds when I returned to Singapore. Needing money for Uni, I decided to sell Greatshot at a flea market (I hadn't even heard of the guy back then, so no sentimentality there). Since I've never ever seen the toy before, I decided to ask for a ridiculous price - SGD$300. To my surprise, it sold in the first 15 minutes of me putting it at my friend's flea market stall. Wow.

Here is a MIB Greatshot that I have recently reaquired.

Box top

Box bottom

Box bottom

Bio card

Out of box

Greatshot with God Ginrai


  1. Love the last pic of GS with God Ginrai!

  2. Love it too. I also painted GS's eyes blue if you can see them... =)


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