10 January 2010

The Tokyo Trip - In which the purpose is unveiled

We have been attempting to go on a trip for a some time.

We each could never get our work 'lull' periods to match. When I was extremely busy, E was free (relatively); when I was free (relatively) E became extremely busy.

So E thought that the best chance for us to get away to somewhere exciting, not necessarily exotic (but Tokyo was both I'd say), was during our firm's year end period of forced leave - that is the period from 24 December 2009 to 10 January 2010.

Preparations were made to go to Tokyo!

Our intention was for this to be a 'theme parks' trip, with lots of good Japanese food along the way. We planned to visit many many theme parks during our stay there and go on as many adrenaline pumping rides as we could.

A week before leaving, I recalled a thread about toy shops in Japan on the OZ Formers Boards. I checked it out again and asked a few knowledgeable members, who had been to Tokyo and found Transformers, about places where I should poke around should I have the time.

OZ Former members kurdt_the_goat and jetfire were very kind and pointed in me the right direction. kurdt_the_goat also linked me to a very comprehensive map he prepared of the main area for toy shopping - the Akihabara district of Tokyo.

With that in my pocket, I was ready to do some Transformers shopping should time present itself.

During the course of our trip in Tokyo, we managed to visit all the theme parks we planned to go to: Disney Sea, Tokyo Dome City and Fujikyu Highlands.

Sometime between all theme parks' excitement, on 3rd & 8th January 2010, we found time to visit Akihabara and also Shibuya and Nakano where large Mandarake stores were located and where there were substantial amounts of G1 Transformers to be found.


Read other chapters of The Tokyo Trip:

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