23 December 2009

Transformers Clones - Fastlane, Cloudraker, Pounce, Wingspan

Another one of the innovations in the year 1987 - the clones. Yes, even robots can be cloned (not mass produced, mind you, but cloned).

Dreamwave's MTMTE profiles describes Transforming cloning as: "An occassional natural aberration of Transformer formation [which] results in the splitting of sparks, [thereby] causing several related beings to be created".

It certainly is an interesting concept if not a little unusual. The toys of the clones themselves certainly displays this interesting concept.

The Autobot clones come as a set of two toys and so do the Decepticon clones. In robot mode, the clones look substantially identical in terms of design and colour scheme. Each clone has two rub-signs - one reveals its faction, Autobot or Decepticon, and the other reveals what it transforms into. For example, the second rub-symbol for Pounce reveals a puma head, which is his alternate mode.

I believe that the clones has metal body and plastic body variations and that in the latter variation, they do not come with the rub-sign. In any case, I went after the higher quality metal body variation of the clones and show them below in their full glory.

The Autobot and Decepticon Clones, Fastlane, Cloudraker, Pounce, Wingspan MIB and complete.

The Autobot and Decepticon Clones, Fastlane, Cloudraker, Pounce, Wingspan MIB and complete. The paperworks and accessories baggie for the Decepticon Clones is still sealed and unopened.

Autobot Clones Fastlane and Cloudraker MIB

Very good condition box for the Autobot Clones, I estimate that it is at least a C9 if not C9.5

Very pristine box with no flap crease

Close-up shot of Fastlane and Cloudraker

Paperworks and accessories for Fastlane and Cloudraker. I am so glad I managed to obtain a spoiler for Fastlane with a sticker in very good condition. It is usually prone to heavy sticker wear.

The top rub-symbol reveals that this Clone is Fastlane. Back in 1987, the rub-symbols for the Clones were the only 'variant' rub-symbols outside of the stock standard Autobot and Decepticon rub-symbols.

The top rub-symbol reveals that this Clone is Cloudraker. Back in 1987, the rub-symbols for the Clones were the only 'variant' rub-symbols outside of the stock standard Autobot and Decepticon rub-symbols.

The Decepticon Clones Pounce and Wingspan MIB with sealed paperworks and accessories.

The Decepticon Clones Pounce and Wingspan MIB with sealed paperworks and accessories.

Close-up of Pounce and Wingspan.

The sealed and unopened paperworks baggie and accessories for the Decepticon Clones.
The top rub-symbol reveals that this Clone is Pounce. Back in 1987, the rub-symbols for the Clones were the only 'variant' rub-symbols outside of the stock standard Autobot and Decepticon rub-symbols. I prefer the rub-symbols for the Decepticon Clones over that of the Autobots.

The top rub-symbol reveals that this Clone is Fastlane. Back in 1987, the rub-symbols for the Clones were the only 'variant' rub-symbols outside of the stock standard Autobot and Decepticon rub-symbols. I prefer the rub-symbols for the Decepticon Clones over that of the Autobots.

Below are some pictures of my Japanese box Decepticon Clones, D-94. As shown, the box art for the Japanese box version is entire different from the US version and features the Clones in their (indistinguishable) robot modes.

D-94: MIB Japanese box Decepticon Clones.

Coincidentally, this set also comes with sealed paperworks. Looks like I'm not going to be applying the stickers onto either of my Decepticon Clone sets.

Clones, clones and clones. Now I'm seeing double.


  1. Wow, I have Cloudraker and Fastlane loose... They were my first TFs ever.

    Btw, thanks for that list! Didn't manage to pop by all of them (mainly shopped at CTMA, Sino Centre etc). Ended up getting Encore Ironhide, Hoist and MusicLabel Frenzy/Rumble at good prices, TF-wise. And mismatched KO Menasor and Abominus, lol.

  2. hmmm... I should have mentioned that Inns' Point at Tsim Tsha Tsui is a must go. It is the 'new' CTMA centre!

    I just got back from Japan. Lots of awesomeness to report. Stayed tuned!


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